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BoW classification

Hello there,

I started diving into visual bag of words classification. There is very good sample code in samples/cpp folder. I tried compile it with pkg-config opencv --libs --cflags flag and everything worked fine. Currently I am using whole opencv library. There are quite lot of files which are needed to compile executable binary. Is it possible to parse only those files which are needed in BoW project? For example I am not interested files which are relating face recognition, and so on.. I just try to do a project a minimal number of files and that way to do code more controllable and total project size much smaller. At that moment I am using Linux dynamic library. Is it possible compile project using static library?


BoW classificationclassification - minimal install

Hello there,

I started diving into visual bag of words classification. There is very good sample code in samples/cpp folder. I tried compile it with pkg-config opencv --libs --cflags flag and everything worked fine. Currently I am using whole opencv library. There are quite lot of files which are needed to compile executable binary. Is it possible to parse only those files which are needed in BoW project? For example I am not interested files which are relating face recognition, and so on.. I just try to do a project a minimal number of files and that way to do code more controllable and total project size much smaller. At that moment I am using Linux dynamic library. Is it possible compile project using static library?


BoW classification - minimal installinstallation

Hello there,

I started diving into visual bag of words classification. There is very good sample code in samples/cpp folder. I tried compile it with pkg-config opencv --libs --cflags flag and everything worked fine. Currently I am using whole opencv library. There are quite lot of files which are needed to compile executable binary. Is it possible to parse only those files which are needed in BoW project? For example I am not interested files which are relating face recognition, and so on.. I just try to do a project a minimal number of files and that way to do code more controllable and total project size much smaller. At that moment I am using Linux dynamic library. Is it possible compile project using static library?


BoW classification - minimal installation

Hello there,

I started diving into visual bag of words classification. There is very good sample code in samples/cpp folder. I tried compile it with pkg-config opencv --libs --cflags flag and everything worked fine. Currently I am using whole opencv library. There are quite lot of files which are needed to compile executable binary. Is it possible to parse only those files which are needed in BoW project? For example I am not interested files which are relating face recognition, and so on.. I just try to do a project a minimal number of files and that way to do code more controllable and total project size much smaller. At that moment I am using Linux dynamic linked library. Is it possible compile project using static library?


BoW classification - minimal installation

Hello there,

I started diving into visual bag of words classification. There is very good sample code in samples/cpp folder. I tried compile it with pkg-config opencv --libs --cflags flag and everything worked fine. Currently I am using whole opencv library. There are quite lot of files which are needed to compile executable binary. Is it possible to parse only those files which are needed in BoW project? For example I am not interested files which are relating face recognition, and so on.. I just try to do a project a minimal number of files and that way to do code more controllable and total project size much smaller. At that moment I am using Linux dynamic linked library. Is it possible compile project using static statically linked library?


BoW classification categorization - minimal installation

Hello there,

I started diving into visual bag of words classification. There is very good sample code in samples/cpp folder. I tried compile it with pkg-config opencv --libs --cflags flag and everything worked fine. Currently I am using whole opencv library. There are quite lot of files which are needed to compile executable binary. Is it possible to parse only those files which are needed in BoW project? For example I am not interested files which are relating face recognition, and so on.. I just try to do a project a minimal number of files and that way to do code more controllable and total project size much smaller. At that moment I am using Linux dynamic linked library. Is it possible compile project using statically linked library?


BoW categorization - minimal installation

Hello there,

I started diving into visual bag of words classification. categorization. There is very good sample code in samples/cpp folder. I tried compile it with pkg-config opencv --libs --cflags flag and everything worked fine. Currently I am using whole opencv library. There are quite lot of files which are needed to compile executable binary. Is it possible to parse only those files which are needed in BoW project? For example I am not interested files which are relating face recognition, and so on.. I just try to do a project a minimal number of files and that way to do code more controllable and total project size much smaller. At that moment I am using Linux dynamic linked library. Is it possible compile project using statically linked library?


BoW categorization - minimal installation

Hello there,

I started diving into visual bag of words categorization. There is very good sample code in samples/cpp folder. I tried compile it with pkg-config opencv --libs --cflags flag and everything worked fine. Currently I am using whole opencv library. There are quite lot of files which are needed to compile executable binary. Is it possible to parse (hand pick) only those files which are needed in BoW project? For example I am not interested files which are relating face recognition, and so on.. I just try to do a project a minimal number of files and that way to do code more controllable and total project size much smaller. At that moment I am using Linux dynamic linked library. Is it possible compile project using statically linked library?


BoW categorization - minimal installation

Hello there,

I started diving into visual bag of words categorization. There is very good sample code in samples/cpp folder. I tried compile it with pkg-config opencv --libs --cflags flag and everything worked fine. Currently I am using whole opencv library. There are quite lot of files which are needed used to compile executable binary. Is it possible to parse (hand pick) only those files which are needed in BoW project? For example I am not interested files which are relating face recognition, and so on.. I just try to do a project a minimal number of files and that way to do code more controllable and total project size much smaller. At that moment I am using Linux dynamic linked library. Is it possible compile project using statically linked library?


BoW categorization - minimal installation

Hello there,

I started diving into visual bag of words categorization. There is very good sample code in samples/cpp folder. I tried compile it with pkg-config opencv --libs --cflags flag and everything worked fine. Currently I am using whole opencv library. There are quite lot of files which are used to compile executable binary. Is it possible to parse (hand pick) only those files which are needed in BoW project? For example I am not interested files which are relating face recognition, and so on.. I just try to do a project a minimal number of files and that way to do code more controllable and total project size much smaller. At that moment I am using Linux dynamic linked library. Is it possible compile project using statically linked library? Is it possible track all files, which are included to project. Manually it looks like impossible task.


BoW categorization - minimal installation

Hello there,

I started diving into visual bag of words categorization. There is very good sample code in samples/cpp folder. I tried compile it with pkg-config opencv --libs --cflags flag and everything worked fine. Currently I am using whole opencv library. There are quite lot of files which are used to compile executable binary. Is it possible to parse (hand pick) only those files which are needed in BoW project? For example I am not interested files which are relating face recognition, and so on.. I just try to do a project a minimal number of files and that way to do code more controllable and total project size much smaller. At that moment I am using Linux dynamic linked library. Is it possible compile project using statically linked library? Is it possible track all files, which are included to project. Manually it looks like impossible task. task, because every file includes some other files.


BoW categorization - minimal installation

Hello there,

I started diving into visual bag of words categorization. There is very good sample code in samples/cpp folder. I tried compile it with pkg-config opencv --libs --cflags flag and everything worked fine. Currently I am using whole opencv library. There are quite lot of files which are used to compile executable binary. Is it possible to parse (hand pick) only those files which are needed in BoW project? For example I am not interested files which are relating face recognition, and so on.. I just try to do a project a minimal number of files and that way to do code more controllable and total project size much smaller. At that moment I am using Linux dynamic linked library. Is it possible compile project using statically linked library? Is it possible track all files, which are included to project. Manually it looks like impossible task, because every file includes some other files.


BoW categorization - minimal installation

Hello there,

I started diving into visual bag of words categorization. There is very good sample code in samples/cpp folder. I tried compile it with pkg-config opencv --libs --cflags flag and everything worked fine. Currently I am using whole opencv library. There are quite lot of files which are used to compile executable binary. Is it possible to parse (hand pick) only those files which are needed in BoW project? For example I am not interested files which are relating face recognition, and so on.. I just try to do a project a minimal number of files and that way to do code more controllable and total project size much smaller. At that moment I am using Linux dynamic linked library. Is it possible compile project using statically linked library? Is it possible track all files, which are included to project. Manually it looks like impossible task, because every file includes some other files.


BoW categorization - minimal installationCV_OpenCLInitError

Hello there,

I started diving into visual bag of words categorization. There is very good sample code in samples/cpp samples folder. I tried compile compiled the code and put it with pkg-config opencv --libs --cflags flag and everything worked fine. Currently to run. Everything gone fine before SVM training, where I am using whole opencv library. There are quite lot of files which are used to compile executable binary. Is it possible to parse (hand pick) only those files which are needed in BoW project? For example I am not interested files which are relating face recognition, and so on.. I just try to do a project a minimal number of files and that way to do code more controllable and total project size much smaller. At that moment I am using Linux dynamic linked library. Is it possible compile project using statically linked library? Is it possible track all files, which are included to project. Manually it looks like impossible task, because every file includes some other files. got the following error:

OpenCV Error: Gpu API call (-1001) in initializeOpenCLDevices, file opencv-2.4.8/modules/ocl/src/cl_context.cpp, line 455 OpenCV Error: Unknown error code -221 (OpenCL not available) in getContext, file opencv-2.4.8/modules/ocl/src/cl_context.cpp, line 670 terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cv::Exception' what(): opencv-2.4.8/modules/ocl/src/cl_context.cpp:670: error: (-221) OpenCL not available in function getContext

Does anybody know what is wrong?


BoW categorization - CV_OpenCLInitErrorCV_OpenCLInitError ((OpenCL not available)

Hello there,

I started diving into visual bag of words categorization. There is very good sample code in samples folder. I compiled the code and put it to run. Everything gone fine before SVM training, where I got the following error:

OpenCV Error: Gpu API call (-1001) in initializeOpenCLDevices, file opencv-2.4.8/modules/ocl/src/cl_context.cpp, line 455 OpenCV Error: Unknown error code -221 (OpenCL not available) in getContext, file opencv-2.4.8/modules/ocl/src/cl_context.cpp, line 670 terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cv::Exception' what(): opencv-2.4.8/modules/ocl/src/cl_context.cpp:670: error: (-221) OpenCL not available in function getContext

Does anybody know what is wrong?


BoW categorization - CV_OpenCLInitError ((OpenCL (OpenCL not available)

Hello there,

I started diving into visual bag of words categorization. There is very good sample code in samples folder. I compiled the code and put it to run. Everything gone fine before SVM training, where I got the following error:

OpenCV Error: Gpu API call (-1001) in initializeOpenCLDevices, file opencv-2.4.8/modules/ocl/src/cl_context.cpp, line 455 OpenCV Error: Unknown error code -221 (OpenCL not available) in getContext, file opencv-2.4.8/modules/ocl/src/cl_context.cpp, line 670 terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cv::Exception' what(): opencv-2.4.8/modules/ocl/src/cl_context.cpp:670: error: (-221) OpenCL not available in function getContext

Does anybody know what is wrong?


BoW categorization - CV_OpenCLInitError (OpenCL not available)

Hello there,

I started diving into visual bag of words categorization. There is very good sample code in samples folder. I compiled the code and put it to run. Everything gone fine before SVM training, where I got the following error:

OpenCV Error: Gpu API call (-1001) in initializeOpenCLDevices, file opencv-2.4.8/modules/ocl/src/cl_context.cpp, line 455 OpenCV Error: Unknown error code -221 (OpenCL not available) in getContext, file opencv-2.4.8/modules/ocl/src/cl_context.cpp, line 670 terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cv::Exception' what(): opencv-2.4.8/modules/ocl/src/cl_context.cpp:670: error: (-221) OpenCL not available in function getContext

I used following libs in a Mafefile:

-lopencv_core -lopencv_ocl -lopencv_imgproc -lopencv_highgui -lopencv_ml -lopencv_video -lopencv_features2d -lopencv_calib3d -lopencv_objdetect -lopencv_contrib -lopencv_legacy -lopencv_flann -lopencv_nonfree

Does anybody know what is wrong?


BoW categorization - CV_OpenCLInitError (OpenCL not available)

Hello there,

I started diving into visual bag of words categorization. There is very good sample code in samples folder. I compiled the code and put it to run. Everything gone fine before SVM training, where I got the following error:

OpenCV Error: Gpu API call (-1001) in initializeOpenCLDevices, file opencv-2.4.8/modules/ocl/src/cl_context.cpp, line 455 OpenCV Error: Unknown error code -221 (OpenCL not available) in getContext, file opencv-2.4.8/modules/ocl/src/cl_context.cpp, line 670 terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cv::Exception' what(): opencv-2.4.8/modules/ocl/src/cl_context.cpp:670: error: (-221) OpenCL not available in function getContext

I used following libs in a Mafefile:

-lopencv_core -lopencv_ocl -lopencv_imgproc -lopencv_highgui -lopencv_ml -lopencv_video -lopencv_features2d -lopencv_calib3d -lopencv_objdetect -lopencv_contrib -lopencv_legacy -lopencv_flann -lopencv_nonfree

Does anybody know what is wrong?

EDIT: I tried cmake -D WITH_OPENCL=ON flag and it didn't help.


BoW categorization - CV_OpenCLInitError (OpenCL not available)

Hello there,

I started diving into visual bag of words categorization. There is very good sample code in samples folder. I compiled the code and put it to run. Everything gone fine before SVM training, where I got the following error:

OpenCV Error: Gpu API call (-1001) in initializeOpenCLDevices, file opencv-2.4.8/modules/ocl/src/cl_context.cpp, line 455 OpenCV Error: Unknown error code -221 (OpenCL not available) in getContext, file opencv-2.4.8/modules/ocl/src/cl_context.cpp, line 670 terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cv::Exception' what(): opencv-2.4.8/modules/ocl/src/cl_context.cpp:670: error: (-221) OpenCL not available in function getContext

I used following libs in a Mafefile:

-lopencv_core -lopencv_ocl -lopencv_imgproc -lopencv_highgui -lopencv_ml -lopencv_video -lopencv_features2d -lopencv_calib3d -lopencv_objdetect -lopencv_contrib -lopencv_legacy -lopencv_flann -lopencv_nonfree

Does anybody know what is wrong?


EDIT: I tried cmake -D WITH_OPENCL=ON flag and it didn't help.


BoW categorization - CV_OpenCLInitError (OpenCL not available)

Hello there,

I started diving into visual bag of words categorization. There is very good sample code in samples folder. I compiled the code and put it to run. Everything gone fine before SVM training, where I got the following error:

OpenCV Error: Gpu API call (-1001) in initializeOpenCLDevices, file opencv-2.4.8/modules/ocl/src/cl_context.cpp, line 455 OpenCV Error: Unknown error code -221 (OpenCL not available) in getContext, file opencv-2.4.8/modules/ocl/src/cl_context.cpp, line 670 terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cv::Exception' what(): opencv-2.4.8/modules/ocl/src/cl_context.cpp:670: error: (-221) OpenCL not available in function getContext

I used following libs in a Mafefile:

-lopencv_core -lopencv_ocl -lopencv_imgproc -lopencv_highgui -lopencv_ml -lopencv_video -lopencv_features2d -lopencv_calib3d -lopencv_objdetect -lopencv_contrib -lopencv_legacy -lopencv_flann -lopencv_nonfree

Does anybody know what is wrong?


EDIT: I tried cmake -D WITH_OPENCL=ON flag and it didn't help.

BoW categorization - CV_OpenCLInitError (OpenCL not available)available) [SOLVED]

Hello there,

I started diving into visual bag of words categorization. There is very good sample code in samples folder. I compiled the code and put it to run. Everything gone fine before SVM training, where I got the following error:

OpenCV Error: Gpu API call (-1001) in initializeOpenCLDevices, file opencv-2.4.8/modules/ocl/src/cl_context.cpp, line 455 OpenCV Error: Unknown error code -221 (OpenCL not available) in getContext, file opencv-2.4.8/modules/ocl/src/cl_context.cpp, line 670 terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cv::Exception' what(): opencv-2.4.8/modules/ocl/src/cl_context.cpp:670: error: (-221) OpenCL not available in function getContext

I used following libs in a Mafefile:

-lopencv_core -lopencv_ocl -lopencv_imgproc -lopencv_highgui -lopencv_ml -lopencv_video -lopencv_features2d -lopencv_calib3d -lopencv_objdetect -lopencv_contrib -lopencv_legacy -lopencv_flann -lopencv_nonfree

Does anybody know what is wrong?
