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click to hide/show revision 1
initial version

"CvOpenGLCallback has not been declared" error, how do I deal with that?

Hello, I am new to OpenCV and QT, so perhaps the question is in the wrong section. I use OpenCV 2.4.8 and QT 5.2.2, I was trying to build the project i found on the web, it was made in QT 4.7 and OpenCV 2.3 and I get this nasty error.
Google says CvOpenGLCallback derives from opencv_highgui, so I added highgui.h in the header file and it didn't work. Is there a way to deal with it or i should better find older versions of programs and try using them? Thank you.

click to hide/show revision 2
Added the code

"CvOpenGLCallback has not been declared" error, how do I deal with that?

Hello, I am new to OpenCV and QT, so perhaps the question is in the wrong section. I use OpenCV 2.4.8 and QT 5.2.2, I was trying to build the project i found on the web, it was made in QT 4.7 and OpenCV 2.3 and I get this nasty error.
Google says CvOpenGLCallback derives from opencv_highgui, so I added highgui.h in the header file and it didn't work. Is there a way to deal with it or i should better find older versions of programs and try using them? Thank you.

UPD: Here's the code.

CV_IMPL void cvCreateOpenGLCallback( const char* window_name, CvOpenGLCallback callbackOpenGL, void* userdata, double angle, double zmin, double zmax)
    if (!guiMainThread)
        CV_Error( CV_StsNullPtr, "NULL guiReceiver (please create a window)" );
        Q_ARG(QString, QString(window_name)),
        Q_ARG(void, (void)callbackOpenGL),
        Q_ARG(void*, userdata),
        Q_ARG(double, angle),
        Q_ARG(double, zmin),
        Q_ARG(double, zmax)
This bit is in "window_QT.cpp", so it must be used only when window opens.