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How to make an array element (class mat), where the elements are bitstrings


acutally i work with this code: Mat image = imread("img1.ppm",CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE); ORB orb; vector<key_points>; Mat descriptors; orb.detect(image,key_points,Mat()); orb.compute(image,key_points,descriptors);

so the elements from Mat descriptors is uchar (usigned char). So i get for example: descriptors(1,1)=184

is there any way to get a bitstring for every element like this example descriptors(1,1)=100111010101 and so on I need this, because i use ORB and ORB uses BRIEF descriptor

my first try was: Mat descriptors(rows,cols,CV_32FC2); and it fail

please help me

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updated 2014-01-24 07:39:19 -0600

berak gravatar image

How to make an array element (class mat), where the elements are bitstrings


acutally i work with this code: Mat image = imread("img1.ppm",CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE); ORB orb; vector<key_points>; Mat descriptors; orb.detect(image,key_points,Mat()); orb.compute(image,key_points,descriptors);

so the elements from Mat descriptors is uchar (usigned char). So i get for example: descriptors(1,1)=184

is there any way to get a bitstring for every element like this example descriptors(1,1)=100111010101 and so on I need this, because i use ORB and ORB uses BRIEF descriptor

my first try was: Mat descriptors(rows,cols,CV_32FC2); and it fail

please help me

How to make an array element (class mat), where the elements are bitstrings


acutally i work with this code: code:

Mat image = imread("img1.ppm",CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
ORB orb;
Mat descriptors;


so the elements from Mat descriptors is uchar (usigned char). So i get for example: descriptors(1,1)=184


is there any way to get a bitstring for every element like this example descriptors(1,1)=100111010101 example


and so on on? I need this, because i use ORB and ORB uses BRIEF descriptor

my first try was: Mat descriptors(rows,cols,CV_32FC2); and it fail

please help me