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Haar-cascade training took very little time and no xml was produced

I'm trying to train a new haar-cascade for faces.

I have a positive dataset of 2000 cropped face images (just the face) and 3321 negative random images.

I created positive's list using the following command:

opencv_createsamples.exe -info info.txt -vec vector.vec -num 2000 -w 10 -h 10

Where the file info.txt contains the following lines:

AJ_Cook_0001.ppm 1 0 0 64 64
AJ_Lamas_0001.ppm 1 0 0 64 64
Aaron_Eckhart_0001.ppm 1 0 0 64 64
Aaron_Guiel_0001.ppm 1 0 0 64 64
Aaron_Patterson_0001.ppm 1 0 0 64 64
Aaron_Peirsol_0001.ppm 1 0 0 64 64

Afterwords, I ran haar_training using the following command:

opencv_haartraining.exe -data harrcascade -vec vector.vec -bg infofile.txt -nstages 20 -minhitrate 0.9999 -maxfalsealarm 0.5 -npos 2000 -nneg 3321 -w 10 -h 10 -nonsym -mem 1024

Where the file infofile.txt contains the names of the background images:


Training took about only an two hours and no xml file was generated. The folder harrcascade contains 20 folder with a txt file named 'AdaBoostCARTHaarClassifier.txt' but no xml was generated.

I have two questions:

1.Why did training took so very little time?

2.Why no xml file was generated?

What am I missing here?

