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Finding SubImage from MainImage in Android

I have 2 images, 1 main image and 1 sub image, now i want to find that does subImage is part of MainImage or not, if it is part of main image then at which location(coordinates) of main image.

For solving the my question, i have tried template matching, but template Matching is giving fine result if and only if sub image is of exact size as part of main image, but if sub image is scaled, then it is not able to give the accurate result/ fails.

Now, please if anyone knows about it, please help me out in that. Any help will be appreciated.

Finding SubImage from MainImage in Android

I have 2 images, 1 main image and 1 sub image, now i want to find that does subImage is part of MainImage or not, if it is part of main image then at which location(coordinates) of main image.

For solving the my question, i have tried template matching, but template Matching is giving fine result if and only if sub image is of exact size as part of main image, but if sub image is scaled, then it is not able to give the accurate result/ fails.

Now, please if anyone knows about it, please help me out in that. Any help will be appreciated. As i am totally new to opencv as well as android, please give me detailed procedure or code if possilble. thanks in advance.