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How does drawMatches work? (with respect to DMatch)


So I have been working on a tracker based on SIFT descriptor. I saw this example of flannMatcher.

I tried to implement it and worked really well.

Now, my question is how does drawMatches work? As it is mentioned here,,%20const%20vector%3CKeyPoint%3E&%20keypoints1,%20const%20Mat&%20img2,%20const%20vector%3CKeyPoint%3E&%20keypoints2,%20const%20vector%3CDMatch%3E&%20matches1to2,%20Mat&%20outImg,%20const%20Scalar&%20matchColor,%20const%20Scalar&%20singlePointColor,%20const%20vector%3Cchar%3E&%20matchesMask,%20int%20flags%29

matches1to2 is a vector of DMatch and it matches from the first image to the second one, which means that keypoints1[i] has a corresponding point in keypoints2[matches[i]]. Now, how does this work?

DMatch has

float distance; 
int queryIdx; // query descriptor index
int trainIdx; // train descriptor index
int imgIdx;   // train image index

So, using these parameters, how can I (manually) check if keypoints1[i] has a corresponding point in keypoints2[matches[i]] ?