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How to show the confidence level of detectMultiScale "in python"

Hello! I was working on my research and I got a problem, I'm trying to show the confidence level, and I've googled for billion times, I've tried billions of codes, does anyone know how to show it? I've tried outputRejectLevels = "levelWeights" outputRejectLevels = True outputRejectLevels = "objects" outputRejectLevels = "rejectLevel" and etc, I got TypeError: 'outputRejectLevels' is an invalid keyword argument for this function, I really need help asap, so please guys, thank you

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updated 2020-10-15 01:33:06 -0600

berak gravatar image

How to show the confidence level of detectMultiScale "in python"

Hello! I was working on my research and I got a problem, I'm trying to show the confidence level, and I've googled for billion times, I've tried billions of codes, does anyone know how to show it? I've tried outputRejectLevels = "levelWeights" outputRejectLevels = True outputRejectLevels = "objects" outputRejectLevels = "rejectLevel" and etc, I got TypeError: 'outputRejectLevels' is an invalid keyword argument for this function, I really need help asap, so please guys, thank you