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Opencv4: Undefined reference to ippiw library symbols

Hello experts,

I'm trying to build simple program on Ubuntu 18.04. I had downloaded sources and built using cmake and make (GCC). I used depricated flag -DOPENCV_GENERATE_PKG_CONFIG. Of course, file created had wrong content, but it wasn't hard to fix that.

On the begining I was using pkg-config but because of number of errors I decided to simplify code and compilation command defining explicitly libraries for linker. In the end I have code:

#include <iostream>
#include "opencv2/core.hpp"

using namespace std;
using namespace cv;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    Mat I;
    return 0;

and command line to compile:

g++ cout_mat.cpp -L../opencv_build/lib -L../opencv_build/3rdparty/lib -lopencv_core -lzlib -lippiw `pkg-config --cflags opencv4` -o cout_exe

where pkg-config --cflags resolves to:


What I got is:

 iw_image_transform_mirror.c:(.text.llwiMirror+0x336): undefined reference to `ippicviMirror_16u_C4R'

What is weird, missing symbol is a part of linked in library ippiw.

So the question is: what is wrong here?