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OpenCV modules 3rd-party dependencies

Hello, I am relatively new to OpenCV (using 4.3.0) and i am trying to make a tiny version of it for and Android application, with only core, imgproc and imgcodecds module imported so that the library files will be as small as possible. I managed to include only the relevant modules, the problem is that it still relatively big, especially for x86 and x86_64 cpu architecture and i guess (if my guess is wrong then this post is totally irrelevant :0) it is because of 3rd party libraries that imported along with opencv modules. My question is how can discover which 3rd party libraries are used for each module? and how can i exclude unused 3rd party libraries to make the final .so file smaller?

click to hide/show revision 2

updated 2020-08-24 01:12:01 -0600

berak gravatar image

OpenCV modules 3rd-party dependencies

Hello, I am relatively new to OpenCV (using 4.3.0) and i am trying to make a tiny version of it for and Android application, with only core, imgproc and imgcodecds module imported so that the library files will be as small as possible. I managed to include only the relevant modules, the problem is that it still relatively big, especially for x86 and x86_64 cpu architecture and i guess (if my guess is wrong then this post is totally irrelevant :0) it is because of 3rd party libraries that imported along with opencv modules. My question is how can discover which 3rd party libraries are used for each module? and how can i exclude unused 3rd party libraries to make the final .so file smaller?