Hi there!
I am using Opencv for C++ to translate some algorithms from Matlab. I am trying to use gpu::CLAHE::apply because it seems to be so similar to "adapthisteq" in Matlab. The point is that I am not able to use it since the compilator does not recognize anything about CLAHE.
I am sure I am doing something wrong, but I have tried a thousand different ways and it does not work. My last attempt is this:
include <opencv2 opencv.hpp="">
include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp"
include <string>
include <iostream>
include <cstdlib>
include "cxcore.h"
using namespace cv; using namespace std; using cv::CLAHE;
int main( int argc, char** argv ) { Mat m= imread("lena.png",CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE); //input image imshow("lena_GRAYSCALE",m);
Ptr<clahe> clahe = createCLAHE(); clahe->setClipLimit(4);
Mat dst; clahe->apply(m,dst); imshow("lena_CLAHE",dst);
waitKey(); }
Thank you very much in advance!!