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Adjust the rotation of car plate

In the ch5 of "mastering openCV with practical computer vision projects", the author adjust the rotation of the plate as follow

void detectRegions::rotatedRect(cv::Mat const &input, cv::RotatedRect const &minRect)
    // rotated rectangle drawing
    cv::Point2f rect_points[4];
    for( int j = 0; j != 4; ++j){
        cv::line( result, rect_points[j], rect_points[(j+1)%4], cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255), 1, 8 );

    //Get rotation matrix
    float const aspect = static_cast<float>(minRect.size.width) / static_cast<float>(minRect.size.height);
    float angle = minRect.angle;        
    if(aspect < 1){            
        angle += 90;
    cv::Mat const rotmat = cv::getRotationMatrix2D(, angle, 1);

    //Create and rotate image
    cv::warpAffine(input, imgRotated, rotmat, input.size(), CV_INTER_CUBIC);    

The author use the height and width to determine the angle of the rotation matrix, but I don't know the reason behind of it.What I know is the consequence of how to make the car plate back to horizontal(-90)

  1. when width >= height(aspect >= 1), we need to apply clockwise rotation on the image
  2. when height < width(aspect < 1), we need to apply counter-clockwise rotation on the image

Adjust the rotation of car plate

In the ch5 of "mastering openCV with practical computer vision projects", the author adjust the rotation of the plate as follow

void detectRegions::rotatedRect(cv::Mat const &input, cv::RotatedRect const &minRect)
    // rotated rectangle drawing
    cv::Point2f rect_points[4];
    for( int j = 0; j != 4; ++j){
        cv::line( result, rect_points[j], rect_points[(j+1)%4], cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255), 1, 8 );

    //Get rotation matrix
    float const aspect = static_cast<float>(minRect.size.width) / static_cast<float>(minRect.size.height);
    float angle = minRect.angle;        
    if(aspect < 1){            
        angle += 90;
    cv::Mat const rotmat = cv::getRotationMatrix2D(, angle, 1);

    //Create and rotate image
    cv::warpAffine(input, imgRotated, rotmat, input.size(), CV_INTER_CUBIC);    

The author use the height and width to determine the angle of the rotation matrix, but I don't know the reason behind of it.What I know is the consequence of how to make the car plate back to horizontal(-90)

  1. when width >= height(aspect >= 1), we need to apply clockwise rotation on the image
  2. when height < width(aspect < 1), we need to apply counter-clockwise rotation on the image

How could the width and the height of the car plate show us we should do clockwise rotation or counter-clockwise rotation?

Adjust the rotation of car plate

In the ch5 of "mastering openCV with practical computer vision projects", the author adjust the rotation of the plate as follow

void detectRegions::rotatedRect(cv::Mat const &input, cv::RotatedRect const &minRect)
    // rotated rectangle drawing
    cv::Point2f rect_points[4];
    for( int j = 0; j != 4; ++j){
        cv::line( result, rect_points[j], rect_points[(j+1)%4], cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255), 1, 8 );

    //Get rotation matrix
    float const aspect = static_cast<float>(minRect.size.width) /  static_cast<float>(minRect.size.height);
    float const angle = aspect < 1 ? minRect.angle + 90 : minRect.angle;        
    if(aspect < 1){            
        angle += 90;
     cv::Mat const rotmat = cv::getRotationMatrix2D(, angle, 1);

    //Create and rotate image
    cv::warpAffine(input, imgRotated, rotmat, input.size(), CV_INTER_CUBIC);    

The author use the height and width to determine the angle of the rotation matrix, but I don't know the reason behind of it.What I know is the consequence of how to make the car plate back to horizontal(-90)

  1. when width >= height(aspect >= 1), we need to apply clockwise rotation on the image
  2. when height < width(aspect < 1), we need to apply counter-clockwise rotation on the image

How could the width and the height of the car plate show us we should do clockwise rotation or counter-clockwise rotation?