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Any previous Opencv DNN support lower cc(3)

hello all, Id like to double check that theres no older opencv version that has dnn module and support a lesser "Kersler" model (specifically CC=3). It doesnt seem to be the case but, i might have missed something somewhere, and the documentation isnt 100% clear on any previous builds..


Any previous Opencv DNN support lower cc(3)

hello all, Id like to double check that theres no older opencv version that has dnn module and support a lesser "Kersler" "Kepler" model (specifically CC=3). It doesnt seem to be the case but, i might have missed something somewhere, and the documentation isnt 100% clear on any previous builds..


Any previous Opencv DNN support lower cc(3)

hello all, Id like to double check that theres no older opencv version that has dnn module and support a lesser "Kepler" model (specifically CC=3). It doesnt seem to be the case but, i might have missed something somewhere, and the documentation isnt 100% clear on any previous builds..


Any previous Opencv DNN support lower cc(3)

hello all, Id like to double check that theres no older opencv version that has dnn module and support a lesser "Kepler" model (specifically CC=3). It doesnt seem to be the case but, i might have missed something somewhere, and the documentation isnt 100% clear on any previous builds..
