Im trying to compute descriptors for the keypoints found, but Im getting segmentation fault error. Part of the problem is that there is very little documentation for opencv cuda in python. I am getting an image data, and using cv2.cuda.createGoodFeaturesToTrack() for getting keypoints. I want to calculate descriptors for the keypoints, and hence using computeAsync(). Here is my code - def extract(img): #orb = cv2.cuda_ORB.create() orb = cv2.ORB_create() #converting to grey cuC1 = cv2.cuda_GpuMat() cuC1.upload(img) cuC1 = cv2.cuda.cvtColor(cuC1, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)
pts = cv2.cuda.createGoodFeaturesToTrackDetector(cv2.CV_8UC1)
_kps = pts.detect(cuC1)
npKps =
npKps = np.int0(npKps)
for n in npKps:
kps = [cv2.KeyPoint(x=f.ravel()[0], y=f.ravel()[1], _size=20) for f in n] #cpu keypoints, works well with non cuda orb
kps, des = orb.computeAsync(cuC1, _kps)
#return points and descriptors