I am working in a stitching task from 2 input cameras My pipeline is the following : 1- synchronize the cameras 2- find keyPoints and descriptors from each image using sift 3- match the keyPoints using BFMathcer and KNN 4- warp the right image 5- stack the left image to it My issue is that the colors from each camera has a large different from the other one I tried to use cv::detail::MultiBandBlender but there is no explained document of how to use it even the very limited examples online didn't help at all
what I tried until now
cv::Mat final_res;
cv::detail::MultiBandBlender blender;
cv::Rect bounding_box(0,0, left_frame.cols+right_frame.cols,
cv::warpPerspective(right_frame, result_stitching, homography_right,
cv::Size( bounding_box.size()));
cv::Mat mask = cv::Mat::ones( bounding_box.size(), CV_8U);
cv::Mat insetImage( result_stitching, cv::Rect(0, 0,
blender.feed(result_stitching.clone(),mask , cv::Point(0, 0));
blender.blend(final_res, mask);
final_res.convertTo(final_res, (final_res.type() / 8) * 8);
with this I have 2 images:
result_stitching( stitching results without blending)
final_res( stitching results with blending)
the blending results is turned to black image I need to know how to use MultiBandBlender in a correct way even if anyone knows how to blend the results using any way in c++ I am open to any solution, the target is to make the total image colors balanced