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Access camera via IP

I can access video with cv2.VideoCapture with url below

rtsp://[username]:[password]@[LAN IP]:[port]/cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=0

But cannot access via internet IP

Some app can monitor camera with information: IP username password

Access camera via IP

I can access video with cv2.VideoCapture with url belowbelow.

rtsp://[username]:[password]@[LAN IP]:[port]/cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=0


But cannot access via internet IP

Some app can monitor camera with information: IP username password

Access camera via IP

I can access video with cv2.VideoCapture cv2.VideoCapture with url below.

rtsp://[username]:[password]@[LAN IP]:[port]/cam/realmonitor?channel=1&subtype=0

But cannot access via internet IP

Some app can monitor camera with information: IP username password