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why My HDR picture is green ?

Hi, I use Huawei P30 pro to make HDR picture and there is the result :

image description

I use the following script :

Mat fusion = new Mat();
MergeMertens mergeMertens = Photo.createMergeMertens();
mergeMertens.process(images, fusion);

Mat ldr = new Mat();
TonemapReinhard tonemapReinhard = Photo.createTonemapReinhard(0.4f, 0.7f, 0.0f, 0.5f);
tonemapReinhard.process(fusion, ldr);
Core.multiply(ldr, new Scalar(255,255,255), response);

In other phone like Samsung S8 and Huawei P20 Lite I don't have the same issue.

Thanks in advance.