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(OpenCV4Android) How to use OpenCV camera in Service?

Helllo, I'm currently developing an app which need to record video in background and process it.

(Control Android device using real-time image processing)

However, to achieve it, I need to use Camera and OpenCV as Service, and it seems that it is impossible to use JavaCamera and Android.Hardware.Camera without using any preview.

Here are my questions.

  1. I heard that NativeCamera can be used for this purpose. Is it possible? (Possibly with examples?)

  2. Is there any method that I can use JavaCameraView(or similar stuff) for this purpose? I currently use Galaxy S4.

Thank you for answering the question.

(OpenCV4Android) How to use OpenCV camera in Service?

Helllo, Hello, I'm currently developing an app which need to record video in background and process it.

(Control Android device using real-time image processing)

However, to achieve it, I need to use Camera and OpenCV as Service, and it seems that it is impossible to use JavaCamera and Android.Hardware.Camera without using any preview.

Here are my questions.

  1. I heard that NativeCamera can be used for this purpose. Is it possible? (Possibly with examples?)

  2. Is there any method that I can use JavaCameraView(or similar stuff) for this purpose? I currently use Galaxy S4.

Thank you for answering the question.

click to hide/show revision 3

(OpenCV4Android) How to use OpenCV camera in Service?

Hello, I'm currently developing an app which need to record video in background and process it.

(Control Android device using real-time image processing)

However, to achieve it, I need to use Camera and OpenCV as Service, and it seems that it is impossible to use JavaCamera and Android.Hardware.Camera without using any preview.

Here are my questions.

  1. I heard that NativeCamera can be used for this purpose. Is it possible? (Possibly with examples?)

  2. Is there any method that I can use JavaCameraView(or similar stuff) for this purpose? I currently use Galaxy S4.

Thank you for answering the question.