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How to build contrib as static library

I'm trying to build OpenCV with extramodules (aruco in particular) as static library.

I have set the OPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH correctly to the modules directory of contrib and I have set BUILD_opencv_aruco to ture.

When I build using ninja

ninja ninja install

I get in my install directory .a files for the opencv project (libopencv_core.a for example or libopencv_imgproc.a), but no lib file for aruco.

How do I properly compile OpenCV to static libraries including extra modules?

How to build contrib as static library

I'm trying to build OpenCV with extramodules (aruco in particular) as static library.

I have set the OPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH correctly to the modules directory of contrib and I have set BUILD_opencv_aruco to ture.

When I build using ninja

ninja install


I get in my install directory .a files for the opencv project (libopencv_core.a for example or libopencv_imgproc.a), but no lib file for aruco.

How do I properly compile OpenCV to static libraries including extra modules?