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reduce interest area for image stitching

I’d like to do image stitching on hard samples, having repeated patterns. Let’s say, images of a wall like a chessboard with non informative background (sand).

image description

I’m using python cv2 image stitching, but it “compress” the output. The repeated pattern, must be misleading cv2 into thinking it is an image repetition:

image description

I’d like the image stitching algorigthm to give me the next output:

image description

I think it is reachable, by using a parameter to:

  • specify the image order sequence: [image_1.jpg, image_2.jpg, image_3.jpg]
  • specify the left and right image area to be taken into account for the pattern matching: [(0%, 18%),(18%,18%), (12%,0%)]

In my case, I could have this data:

image description

How could I solve it with opencv?

Thanks in advance