I was trying to implement a naive version of the warpAffine function to understand how it works. This is my implementation
def custom_warpaffine(image, matrix, shape):
clone of cv2.warpAffine()
Follows nearest-neighbour interpolation
image - numpy array - 1 channel, source image
matrix - numpy array of size (2, 3), affine transform matrix
shape - int tuple, shape of source image
output - numpy array - 1 channel, image after affine transform
output = np.zeros_like(image, dtype=np.float32)
for x in range(shape[0]):
for y in range(shape[1]):
transformed_x = int(matrix[0,0]*x + matrix[0,1]*y + matrix[0,2])
transformed_y = int(matrix[1,0]*x + matrix[1,1]*y + matrix[1,2])
if transformed_x >=shape[0] or transformed_y >=shape[1]:
output[x, y] = image[transformed_x, transformed_y]
return output
I followed the mapping given in the [documentation](https://docs.opencv.org/2.4/modules/imgproc/doc/geometric_transformations.html?highlight=warpaffine#void%20warpAffine(InputArray%20src,%20OutputArray%20dst,%20InputArray%20M,%20Size%20dsize,%20int%20flags,%20int%20borderMode,%20const%20Scalar&%20borderValue), but my output is different from that of the inbuilt function.
my affine transform matrix is [[1, 0, 100], [0, 1, 50]],
i.e dst[x, y] = scr[x+100, y+50]
but the output was different.
The output matched the inbuilt cv2.warpAffine(.., flags=cv2.WARP_INVERSE_MAP,..) function output only when the mapping was changed from
output[x, y] = image[transformed_x, transformed_y]
output[y, x] = image[transformed_y, transformed_x]
I am confused as to why this is the case. Thanks for any help!