I'm trying to build OpenCV 4.1.1 with MinGW32 from the source (in Windows 10 and for C++). I've been following the instructions at the bottom of this page: https://docs.opencv.org/master/d3/d52/tutorial_windows_install.html and at the top of this page: http://eyalarubas.com/opencv-installation-on-windows-netbeans-mingw.html. So far I've successfully cloned the source, but when I press "configure" in CMake I get several errors:
The only option I changed was to enable "ENABLE_SOLUTION_FOLDERS" as instructed in the first link. CMake still allowed me to continue and "generate", however then when I typed "mingw32-make" into the command prompt it gave me more significant errors at about 20%:
I then disabled openexr and tried again, but it didn't get much further:
I don't know whether they are to do with the warnings I was getting in CMake, or whether it's something else. What should I do now?