I'm having a nightmare trying to get OpenCV to work. I've installed it with no issues, but when I try running an example code it can't find the include files. I'm using Visual Studio Code (different from Visual Studios), but all the tutorials for setting it up are for Visual Studios. I don't know whether that's what's causing the problem.
I've tried installing it in two ways, first with the pre-built libraries, and then with git-bash and cmake as described here: https://docs.opencv.org/master/d3/d52/tutorial_windows_install.html. VScode can't see the include files for either. I have tried adding the directory to the "opencv2" directory to the Path environment variable, and also to the VScode includePath.
Is there a better way of installing it that isn't specific to VS? I only need the C++ bits, if that's any easier. Also, if anyone knows how to configure VScode properly that would be helpful.
(I can't get Visual studios because I don't have enough space on my hard drive, and I can't replace the hard drive.)