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OpenCV build for Mac Catalyst/iOS 13 iOS app on Mac support?

I have been trying to build openCV libraries which would be compatible for mac catalyst (iOS app built for Mac which is a new feature on iOS 13/Mac 10.15 beta) without much success.

This is the command the python build script calls while building OpenCV framework for Mac...

xcodebuild MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET=10.15 ARCHS=x86_64 -sdk macosx -configuration Release -parallelizeTargets -jobs 12 -target ALL_BUILD build

I am assuming I need to change this to something else as well as the xcode projects are to be created a little differently. But I am not sure what I need to change to make it work.

If I can get the .a files created for mac catalyst, I guess I can manually create the xcframeworks myself.

Has anyone been able to do it successfully?