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I am trying to convert rectengle image to bigger square with 17 padding. following is my code. but that is not working

cv::Mat croppedImage = cv::Mat(orig_image,roiF).clone();

    int size = roiF.height > roiF.width ? roiF.height : roiF.width;

    int offset_height = ((size + 34) / 2 - (roiF.height + 34) / 2);
    int offset_width = ((size + 34) / 2 - (roiF.width + 34) / 2);

    cv::Mat  resizeImage = cv::Mat(size+34,size+34, croppedImage.type(),new cv::Scalar(0,0,0,255));
    if (offset_width > 0) {
        cv::Range rowRange = cv::Range(0, roiF.height); //select maximum allowed cols
        cv::Range rowDestRange = cv::Range(17, roiF.height + 17);
        croppedImage.operator()(rowRange, cv::Range(0, roiF.width)).copyTo(resizeImage.operator()(rowDestRange,  cv::Range(offset_width, offset_width + roiF.width)));
    } else if (offset_height > 0) {
        cv::Range colRange =cv::Range(0, roiF.width); //select maximum allowed cols(*roiF).height
        cv::Range colDestRange = cv::Range(17, roiF.width + 17);
        croppedImage.operator()(cv::Range(0, roiF.height), colRange).copyTo(resizeImage.operator()(cv::Range(offset_height, offset_height + roiF.height), colDestRange));

    return [OpenCVWrapper UIImageFromCVMat:resizeImage];

I am trying to convert rectengle image to bigger square with 17 padding. following is my code. but that is not working


 cv::Mat croppedImage = cv::Mat(orig_image,roiF).clone();


        int size = roiF.height > roiF.width ? roiF.height : roiF.width;

     int offset_height = ((size + 34) / 2 - (roiF.height + 34) / 2);
     int offset_width = ((size + 34) / 2 - (roiF.width + 34) / 2);

     cv::Mat  resizeImage = cv::Mat(size+34,size+34, croppedImage.type(),new cv::Scalar(0,0,0,255));
     if (offset_width > 0) {
         cv::Range rowRange = cv::Range(0, roiF.height); //select maximum allowed cols
         cv::Range rowDestRange = cv::Range(17, roiF.height + 17);
         croppedImage.operator()(rowRange, cv::Range(0, roiF.width)).copyTo(resizeImage.operator()(rowDestRange,  cv::Range(offset_width, offset_width + roiF.width)));
     } else if (offset_height > 0) {
         cv::Range colRange =cv::Range(0, roiF.width); //select maximum allowed cols(*roiF).height
         cv::Range colDestRange = cv::Range(17, roiF.width + 17);
         croppedImage.operator()(cv::Range(0, roiF.height), colRange).copyTo(resizeImage.operator()(cv::Range(offset_height, offset_height + roiF.height), colDestRange));

     return [OpenCVWrapper UIImageFromCVMat:resizeImage];