I created two gpumat using unified memory concept(CudaMallocManaged) of CUDA. When i try call convertTo function it got crashed, with below error,
what(): OpenCV(3.4.2) /home/visionteam/revampedtarastack/source/build/opencv-3.4.2/modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/grid/detail/transform.hpp:321: error: (-217:Gpu API call) an illegal memory access was encountered in function 'call'
I tried in ubuntu18.04 with cuda 10:
Mat input = imread("sample.jpg",0);
uint8_t* h_a;
uint8_t* h_b;
cudaMallocManaged(&h_a, sizeof(uint8_t)*1280*720);
cudaMallocManaged(&h_b, sizeof(float)*1280*720);
cv::Mat left1(input.cols,input.rows,CV_8UC1,h_a);
h_a = (uint8_t*)input.data;
cv::cuda::GpuMat floatGPU(input.rows,input.cols,CV_32FC1,h_b);
cv::cuda::GpuMat leftGPU(input.rows,input.cols,CV_8UC1,h_a);
Expected: conversion to be success. Actual: what(): OpenCV(3.4.2) /home/visionteam/revampedtarastack/source/build/opencv-3.4.2/modules/cudev/include/opencv2/cudev/grid/detail/transform.hpp:321: error: (-217:Gpu API call) an illegal memory access was encountered in function 'call'
I added another sample code, that too does not produce desired result, please find the sample code below,
#include "opencv2/cudastereo.hpp"
#include "opencv2/cudaarithm.hpp"
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <math.h>
using namespace cv;
int main(void)
int rows = 480;
int cols = 1280;
float* h_a, *h_b, *h_c;
//Allocate memory for device pointers
cudaMallocManaged(&h_a, sizeof(float)*rows*cols);
cudaMallocManaged(&h_b, sizeof(float)*rows*cols);
cudaMallocManaged(&h_c, sizeof(float)*rows*cols);
//Mats (declaring them using pointers)
Mat hmat_a(Size(cols, rows), CV_32F, h_a);
hmat_a = imread("/home/vishnu/Desktop/color.png", 0);
Mat hmat_b(Size(cols, rows), CV_32F, h_b);
hmat_b = imread("/home/vishnu/Desktop/color.png", 0);
Mat hmat_c(Size(cols, rows), CV_32F, h_c);
//Gpu Mats (declaring with the same pointers!)
cuda::GpuMat dmat_a(Size(cols, rows), CV_32F, h_a);
cuda::GpuMat dmat_b(Size(cols, rows), CV_32F, h_b);
cuda::GpuMat dmat_c(Size(cols, rows), CV_32F, h_c);
cuda::multiply(dmat_a, dmat_b, dmat_c);
std::cout << hmat_c << endl;
return 0;