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Clean ID card picture to use a person photo for facial recognition

We have an ID card that contains a person's photo, but it has a hologram and a watermark in part of that photo. The idea is to clean the photo as much as posible and use the resultant image for facial recognition. I was thinking on using a Denoising autoencoder but so far it seems it wont work. Any ideas???

Im attaching a sample photo. C:\fakepath\IMG_3584.jpg

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updated 2019-07-08 03:43:31 -0600

berak gravatar image

Clean ID card picture to use a person photo for facial recognition

We have an ID card that contains a person's photo, but it has a hologram and a watermark in part of that photo. The idea is to clean the photo as much as posible and use the resultant image for facial recognition. I was thinking on using a Denoising autoencoder but so far it seems it wont work. Any ideas???

Im attaching a sample photo. C:\fakepath\IMG_3584.jpgC:\fakepath\IMG_3584.jpg