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Multi class SVM classifier with HOG descriptor

I created an SVM classifier with HOG (Histogram oriented Gradient) to detect a specific shape and it's working, I create positive images and negative images to use them in the detectMultiScale function.

I want to detect not only positive images, but also negative images and I can't find how to do that.

Multi class SVM classifier with HOG descriptor

I created an SVM classifier with HOG (Histogram oriented Gradient) to detect a specific shape and it's working, I create positive images and negative images to use them in the detectMultiScale function.

I want to detect not only positive images, but also negative images and I can't find how to do that.

This is an example of the images I used, the goal is to detect and classify valves in two classes: Classe 1: valve closed (First image), and class 2 valve opened, I chose to use HOG + SVM because I have a lot of valves with different colors, and some valves without colors, I want to detect if the valve is open or close with a video stream.

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