I try to read uncompressed video files, created by using videowriter and the Y800 FOURCC code and I always have a program crash. I can read the video file generated with Windows media player. The used code is the following :
void CMFC_OpencvDlg::OnBnClickedBlobSeq() { static CString Filter=_T("Video files (.avi; *.mpg) |.avi;.mpg|All Files (.)|.||"); CFileDialog Load(TRUE, _T(".bitmap"), NULL, OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST|OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST|OFN_HIDEREADONLY,Filter,NULL); Load.m_ofn.lpstrTitle= _T("Lecture video"); int value = 0 ;
if (Load.DoModal() == IDOK)
img_path = Load.GetPathName() ;
VideoCapture Sequence(img_path);
while( true) //Show the image captured in the window and repeat
Sequence >> src;
if (src.empty() ) return ;
imshow("image", src);
AfxMessageBox(_T("Image"),0,0) ;
If I use an other Codec all is OK the program works perfectly, But I need work on uncompressed images in order to not degrade image quality.
I am working under Windows 7 with Microsoft Visual Studio 10.
Does some body have an idea on what happens ?