system information :
Ubunut 18.04
OpenCL C 2.0 beignet 1.3
Device : Intel(R) HD Graphics Skylake ULT GT2
Hi, I'm trying to run Feature2D detection using ORB with detectAndCompute. first i set CV_OPENCL_RUN_VERBOSE to 1 to enable traces and re-compile OpenCV.
then i check if OpenCL is configurated can be used and if the default device is my graphical chipset
if (!cv::ocl::haveOpenCL())
return -1;
cv::ocl::Device d=cv::ocl::Device::getDefault();
cout << "Device Name: " << << endl;
cout << "available: " << d.available() << endl;
cout << "imageSupport: " << d.imageSupport() << endl;
cout << "OpenCL_C_Version: " << d.OpenCL_C_Version() << endl;
cout << "Use OpenCL: " << cv::ocl::useOpenCL() << endl;
cout << endl;
when i try a simple code,
UMat m(2000,2000,CV_8UC3, Scalar(100,200,0));
UMat r;
it's ok, i get the following trace :
GaussianBlur: Plain implementation is running
ocl_sepFilter2D: OpenCL implementation is running
GaussianBlur: OpenCL implementation is running
it run on my chipset and on my cpu (so it seems to work's)
then i start feature detection :
Ptr<Feature2D> detector=ORB::create(1500);
UMat res;
vector<KeyPoint> keypoints;
detector->detectAndCompute(m,UMat(), keypoints,res);
i get the following log :
ocl::isOpenCLActivated() : 1
OCL_FORCE_CHECK(_image.isUMat() || _descriptors.isUMat()) : 1
_image.isUMat() : 1
_descriptors.isUMat() : 1
cvtColor: Plain implementation is running
copyMakeBorder: Plain implementation is running
resize: Plain implementation is running
copyMakeBorder: Plain implementation is running
resize: Plain implementation is running
copyMakeBorder: Plain implementation is running
resize: Plain implementation is running
copyMakeBorder: Plain implementation is running
resize: Plain implementation is running
copyMakeBorder: Plain implementation is running
resize: Plain implementation is running
copyMakeBorder: Plain implementation is running
resize: Plain implementation is running
copyMakeBorder: Plain implementation is running
resize: Plain implementation is running
copyMakeBorder: Plain implementation is running
Use OpenCLFlag in computeKeyPoints : 1
FAST: Plain implementation is running
FAST: Plain implementation is running
FAST: Plain implementation is running
FAST: Plain implementation is running
FAST: Plain implementation is running
FAST: Plain implementation is running
FAST: Plain implementation is running
FAST: Plain implementation is running
All the function were executed in plain mode...
Why is this happen ? How may i fix it?