My task to extract the video of 1min before using after trigger here trigger is passing when->it contains datetimeformat(190425132148).I need to convert this format into minute and subtract formatted minute with 1min(21-1) therfore result will be 20:00 the video play from 20:00 and ends in 21:00 exactly 1minute video have to take and save in separate folder but .and I record video for every 5 minutes.I have no idea about this extraction. Below is the code,
tm exampleTime() {
struct tm tm;
strptime("2019-04-09 14:28:16", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &tm);
return tm; }
int main() {
struct tm when;
when = exampleTime();
VideoCapture obj; Mat frame;>getVideoFile(when));
while( {
imshow("A", frame);
char exitKeyPress = (char)waitKey(500); //to terminate
if( exitKeyPress == ESC_KEY_PRESSED )
} obj.release();