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DNN with tiny yolo 3

##### System information (version)

Detailed description

I am using tiny yolo 2 trained for car detection successfully. I trained tiny yolo 3 for car detection and use it successfully using darknet platform ( I fail to load the model by Opencv 3.4.1.

Steps to reproduce

The model can be downloaded from: The line I run and get exception: cv::dnn::readNetFromDarknet("DetectorCar\CarDetect.cfg", "DetectorCar\CarDetect.model");

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updated 2019-04-03 10:01:26 -0600

berak gravatar image

DNN with tiny yolo 3


 ##### System information (version)

- OpenCV => 3.4.1 - Operating System / Platform => Windows 10 64 Bit - Compiler => Visual Studio 2015
##### Detailed description

description I am using tiny yolo 2 trained for car detection successfully. I trained tiny yolo 3 for car detection and use it successfully using darknet platform ( I fail to load the model by Opencv 3.4.1.

##### Steps to reproduce

reproduce The model can be downloaded from: The line I run and get exception: cv::dnn::readNetFromDarknet("DetectorCar\CarDetect.cfg", "DetectorCar\CarDetect.model");

cv::dnn::readNetFromDarknet("DetectorCar\\CarDetect.cfg", "DetectorCar\\CarDetect.model");