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SurfDescriptorExtractor is undefined- Error- OpenCV

Hi, I am trying to build my video stabilization code with OpenCV 3.4.2 using Visual Studio 15 on Windows. But facing the error SurfDescriptorExtractor is undefined.Kindly suggest a solution. My code is:-

VideoCapture cap("test.avi");

Mat currImg, colorImg, outImg, grayImg, backupColorImg;
int winSize = 20;
int maxCorners = 200;

double qualityLevel = 0.01;
double minDistance = 5.0;
int blockSize = 3;

int frameW, frameH;;
cvtColor(colorImg, grayImg, CV_BGR2GRAY);
currImg = grayImg.clone();

outImg = colorImg.clone();
int fps = 25;
frameW = grayImg.cols;
frameH = grayImg.rows;

Mat ref;;
cvtColor(ref, ref, CV_BGR2GRAY);

SurfDescriptorExtractor extractor;

int minHessian = 400;
vector<KeyPoint> keyPointRef;
SurfFeatureDetector detector(minHessian);
Mat descriptorRef;

detector.detect(ref(Range(0, ref.rows), Range::all()), keyPointRef);
extractor.compute(ref, keyPointRef, descriptorRef);

VideoWriter writeVideo("result.avi", 0, fps, cvSize(frameW, frameH), false);

namedWindow("Stabilize", 0);
namedWindow("GoodMatches", 0);

while (1)
    bool bScuccess =;

    if (!bScuccess)
        cout << "Cannot read the frame form video file";

    cvtColor(colorImg, grayImg, CV_BGR2GRAY);
    currImg = grayImg.clone();
    backupColorImg = colorImg.clone();

    vector<KeyPoint> keyPointCurr;
    Mat descriptorCurr;

    detector.detect(currImg, keyPointCurr);
    extractor.compute(currImg, keyPointCurr, descriptorCurr);

    FlannBasedMatcher matcher;
    vector<DMatch> matches;
    matcher.match(descriptorCurr, descriptorRef, matches);

    double maxDist = 0, minDist = 100;
    for (int i = 0; i < descriptorCurr.rows; i++)
        double dist = matches[i].distance;

        if (dist < minDist) minDist = dist;
        if (dist > maxDist) maxDist = dist;

    for (int i = 0; i < descriptorCurr.rows; i++)
        //if (matches[i].distance <= max(2*minDist, 0.02))
        if (matches[i].distance < 0.2)


    for (int i = 0; i < good_matches.size(); i++)

    Mat imgMatches;
    drawMatches(currImg, keyPointCurr, ref, keyPointRef, good_matches, imgMatches, Scalar::all(-1), Scalar::all(-1), vector<char>(), DrawMatchesFlags::NOT_DRAW_SINGLE_POINTS);
    imshow("GoodMatches", imgMatches);

    //Mat transformMatrix = estimateGlobalMotionRobust(curPoint,refPoint, 3);

    Mat transformMatrix = estimateRigidTransform(curPoint, refPoint, false); // false = rigid transform, no scaling/shearing

    cout << transformMatrix << endl;
    warpAffine(colorImg, outImg, transformMatrix, Size(frameW, frameH));

    imshow("Input", colorImg);
    imshow("Stabilize", outImg);

    if (waitKey(20) == 27)
        cout << "ESC key is pressed by user" << endl;
