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comments in OpenCV source code

It is not a secret that OpenCV source code is poorly commented. So if one wants to dive deep the source and understand, modify or speed it up it is hard to do. I plan to create a wiki where I would start painstakingly add comments (marked in a special way to distinguish them from original ones) to the most widely used functions (without modifying original code or comments). My question is whether somebody else has undertaken a similar effort? If not, what is a best way to do this? I currently got a domain and a wiki software and plan to organize it in such a way that crowdsourcing will be easy and possible wrongdoing minimized.

My current problems with the wiki is to how provide a right color scheme for C++ and what is the best form to prevent users from modifying or shifting around the original code or comments. Currently I consider keeping new comments in some kind of xml (internally) file that can be fused with original code. A wiki user will see it (externally) in a fused version where original code/comments are unavailable for editing.

comments in OpenCV source code

It is not a secret that OpenCV source code is poorly commented. So if one wants to dive deep into the source and understand, modify or speed it up it is hard to do. I plan to create a wiki where I would start painstakingly add comments (marked in a special way to distinguish them from original ones) to the most widely used functions modules/functions (without modifying the original code or comments). My question is whether somebody else has undertaken a similar effort? If not, what is a best way to do this? I currently got a domain and a wiki software and plan to organize it in such a way that crowdsourcing will be is easy and possible wrongdoing is minimized.

My current problems with the wiki is to how provide a right color scheme for C++ and what is the best form to prevent users from modifying or shifting around the original code or comments. Currently Currently, I consider keeping new comments separately in some kind of xml file (internally) file that can be fused with original code. A wiki user will see it (externally) in as a fused version where original code/comments are unavailable for editing.