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WinRT sample crashed in OpenCV 2.4.6

I've downloaded the OpenCV 2.4.6. And, I tried to run WinRT sample on WindowsRT device(ARM).

(1)Building of OpenCV library

I've generated OpenCV library for WindowsRT(ARM) by reference to the following URL.

(2)Building of WinRT sample

I opened "samples\winrt\ImageManipulations\MediaCapture.sln". And I selected "ARM" as "Solution Platform". Building of WinRT sample was successful.

(3)Execution of WinRT sample on WindowsRT device

I transferred the program to the device and executed the program . I tried the following operation.

  • "StartDevice" button pressed : OK
  • "StartPreview" button pressed : OK
  • "Apply" button pressed : NG(crashed!)

image description

In this crashed case, call stack is as follows.

msvcr110d.dll!_CxxThrowException(void * pExceptionObject, const _s__ThrowInfo * pThrowInfo) 行 152 C++ vccorlib110d.dll!__abi_WinRTraiseCOMException(long hr) 行 502 C++ MediaCapture.exe!__abi_WinRTraiseException(long __hrArg) 行 1156 C++ MediaCapture.exe!__abi_ThrowIfFailed(long __hrArg) 行 92 C++ MediaCapture.exe!Windows::Media::Capture::IMediaCapture::AddEffectAsync(Windows::Media::Capture::MediaStreamType __param0, Platform::String ^ __param1, Windows::Foundation::Collections::IPropertySet ^ __param2) C++

Exception has been detected after calling the AddEffectAsync(). Perhaps I think that this program is not able to properly load "OcvTransform.dll". Did I miss anything?