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a question about the contrib/rgbd /src/normal_lut.i

image description the first line, ,I think this file is made by it , but I can't find the .py file , where I can find it or if I want to make my own data , what to do with it?

a question about the contrib/rgbd /src/normal_lut.i

image description// Auto-generated by scripts/ 20 static const int GRANULARITY = 20; static const unsigned char NORMAL_LUT[20][20][20]={..........................................................}

the first line, ,I think this file is made by it , but I can't find the .py file , where I can find it or if I want to make my own data , what to do with it?

click to hide/show revision 3

updated 2018-12-19 02:43:06 -0600

berak gravatar image

a question about the contrib/rgbd /src/normal_lut.i


// Auto-generated by scripts/ 20
static const int GRANULARITY = 20;
static const unsigned  char NORMAL_LUT[20][20][20]={..........................................................}


the first line, ,I think this file is made by it , but I can't find the .py file , where I can find it or if I want to make my own data , what to do with it?