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How to compile opencv(with ffmpeg) for android arm64-v8a

My app’s ANDROID_ABI is arm64-v8a, we need capture a frame from AVI video in native c code, so i select opencv to process the video file. Now, i can't compile opencv wih ffmpeg successfully. Who can provide some instruction to me? PS: some instruction is simple, there is no environment info, so unexpected case comes up if environment is different. It is better to share the environment info. If someone would like to provide the binary files that are compiled successfully. it is OK to me now.

Thank you so much.

How to compile opencv(with ffmpeg) for android arm64-v8a

My app’s ANDROID_ABI is arm64-v8a, we I have built opencv(with ffmpeg) for android arm64-v8a successfully, however, cvCreateCameraCapture return null. cvCreateFileCapture work well. what configure need capture a frame from AVI video in native c code, so i select opencv to process the video file. Now, i can't compile opencv wih ffmpeg successfully. Who can provide some instruction to me? PS: some instruction is simple, there is no environment info, so unexpected case comes up if environment is different. It is better to share the environment info. If someone would like to provide the be set as ON? or what third party binary files that are compiled successfully. it is OK to me now.

Thank you so much.need be included_?

How to compile opencv(with ffmpeg) for android arm64-v8a

I have built opencv(with ffmpeg) for android arm64-v8a successfully, however, cvCreateCameraCapture return null. cvCreateFileCapture work well. what configure need be set as ON? or what third party binary need be included_?

How to compile opencv(with ffmpeg) for android arm64-v8aopencv to support camera(cvCreateCameraCapture)

I have built opencv(with ffmpeg) for android arm64-v8a successfully, however, cvCreateCameraCapture return null. cvCreateFileCapture work well. what configure I found we need be to set the following item for support camera. -DWITH_V4L=1 -DHAVE_CAMV4L2=ON

However, a make error occur as ON? or what third party binary need be included_?below,

<text>[ 56%] Building CXX object modules/videoio/CMakeFiles/opencv_videoio.dir/src/cap_v4l.cpp.o /home/jp003027/opencv-3.1.0/modules/videoio/src/cap_v4l.cpp:235:10: fatal error: 'sys/videoio.h' file not found '#include "sys/videoio.h"

1 error generated. make[2]: * [modules/videoio/CMakeFiles/opencv_videoio.dir/src/cap_v4l.cpp.o] Error 1 make[1]: [modules/videoio/CMakeFiles/opencv_videoio.dir/all] Error 2 make[1]: ** Waiting for unfinished jobs.... </text>

And my cmake command as below,

/home/jp003027/cmake-3.13.1-Linux-x86_64/bin/cmake -D WITH_FFMPEG=ON -DWITH_V4L=1 -DHAVE_CAMV4L2=ON -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/home/jp003027/android-ndk-r16b/build/cmake/android.toolchain.cmake -DANDROID_NDK=/home/jp003027/android-ndk-r16b/ -DANDROID_NATIVE_API_LEVEL=android-21 -DBUILD_JAVA=OFF -DBUILD_ANDROID_EXAMPLES=OFF -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS -DBUILD_ANDROID_PROJECTS=OFF -DANDROID_STL=c++_shared -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON -DFFMPEG_INCLUDE_DIR=/home/jp003027/arm64-v8a/include -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/home/jp003027/opencv-3.1.0/build/out -DANDROID_ABI=arm64-v8a ..

How to compile opencv to support camera(cvCreateCameraCapture)

I have built opencv(with ffmpeg) for android arm64-v8a successfully, however, cvCreateCameraCapture return null. cvCreateFileCapture work well. I found we need to set the following item for support camera. -DWITH_V4L=1 -DHAVE_CAMV4L2=ON

However, a make error occur I modify OpencvFindLibsVideo.cmake as below,

<text>[ 56%] Building CXX object modules/videoio/CMakeFiles/opencv_videoio.dir/src/cap_v4l.cpp.o /home/jp003027/opencv-3.1.0/modules/videoio/src/cap_v4l.cpp:235:10: fatal error: 'sys/videoio.h' file not found '#include "sys/videoio.h"

1 error generated. make[2]: * [modules/videoio/CMakeFiles/opencv_videoio.dir/src/cap_v4l.cpp.o] Error 1 make[1]: [modules/videoio/CMakeFiles/opencv_videoio.dir/all] Error 2 make[1]: ** Waiting for unfinished jobs.... </text>

# --- V4L ---
        CHECK_MODULE(libv4l1 HAVE_LIBV4L1)
        CHECK_MODULE(libv4l2 HAVE_LIBV4L2)
          set(HAVE_LIBV4L YES)
          set(HAVE_LIBV4L NO)
      CHECK_INCLUDE_FILE(linux/videodev.h HAVE_CAMV4L)
      CHECK_INCLUDE_FILE(linux/videodev2.h HAVE_CAMV4L2)
    set(HAVE_CAMV4L YES)
    status("  HAVE_LIBV4L:" ${HAVE_LIBV4L})
    status("  HAVE_CAMV4L:" ${HAVE_CAMV4L})
    status("  HAVE_CAMV4L2:"${HAVE_CAMV4L2})
    status("  HAVE_VIDEOIO:"${HAVE_VIDEOIO})

And my cmake command as below,

/home/jp003027/cmake-3.13.1-Linux-x86_64/bin/cmake -D WITH_FFMPEG=ON -DWITH_V4L=1 -DHAVE_CAMV4L2=ON -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/home/jp003027/android-ndk-r16b/build/cmake/android.toolchain.cmake -DANDROID_NDK=/home/jp003027/android-ndk-r16b/ -DANDROID_NATIVE_API_LEVEL=android-21 -DBUILD_JAVA=OFF -DBUILD_ANDROID_EXAMPLES=OFF -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS -DBUILD_ANDROID_PROJECTS=OFF -DANDROID_STL=c++_shared -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON -DFFMPEG_INCLUDE_DIR=/home/jp003027/arm64-v8a/include -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/home/jp003027/opencv-3.1.0/build/out -DANDROID_ABI=arm64-v8a ....

Cmake output as below,

CMake Deprecation Warning at CMakeLists.txt:72 (cmake_policy):
  The OLD behavior for policy CMP0022 will be removed from a future version
  of CMake.

  The cmake-policies(7) manual explains that the OLD behaviors of all
  policies are deprecated and that a policy should be set to OLD only under
  specific short-term circumstances.  Projects should be ported to the NEW
  behavior and not rely on setting a policy to OLD.

CMake Deprecation Warning at CMakeLists.txt:77 (cmake_policy):
  The OLD behavior for policy CMP0026 will be removed from a future version
  of CMake.

  The cmake-policies(7) manual explains that the OLD behaviors of all
  policies are deprecated and that a policy should be set to OLD only under
  specific short-term circumstances.  Projects should be ported to the NEW
  behavior and not rely on setting a policy to OLD.

CMake Deprecation Warning at CMakeLists.txt:82 (cmake_policy):
  The OLD behavior for policy CMP0042 will be removed from a future version
  of CMake.

  The cmake-policies(7) manual explains that the OLD behaviors of all
  policies are deprecated and that a policy should be set to OLD only under
  specific short-term circumstances.  Projects should be ported to the NEW
  behavior and not rely on setting a policy to OLD.

CMake Warning at /home/jp003027/android-ndk-r16b/build/cmake/android.toolchain.cmake:63 (message):
  Using custom NDK path (ANDROID_NDK is set):
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  build/CMakeFiles/3.13.1/CMakeSystem.cmake:6 (include)
  CMakeLists.txt:93 (project)

CMake Warning (dev) at cmake/OpenCVFindLibsVideo.cmake:184:
  Syntax Warning in cmake code at column 25

  Argument not separated from preceding token by whitespace.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  CMakeLists.txt:536 (include)
This warning is for project developers.  Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.

CMake Warning (dev) at cmake/OpenCVFindLibsVideo.cmake:185:
  Syntax Warning in cmake code at column 25

  Argument not separated from preceding token by whitespace.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  CMakeLists.txt:536 (include)
This warning is for project developers.  Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.

-- Looking for linux/videodev.h
-- Looking for linux/videodev.h - not found
-- Looking for linux/videodev2.h
-- Looking for linux/videodev2.h - found
-- Looking for sys/videoio.h
-- Looking for sys/videoio.h - not found
--   HAVE_CAMV4L:                   YES
--   HAVE_CAMV4L2:                  1
-- Checking for module 'libavresample'
--   No package 'libavresample' found
-- Looking for /home/jp003027/arm64-v8a/include/libavformat/avformat.h
-- Looking for /home/jp003027/arm64-v8a/include/libavformat/avformat.h - not found
-- Looking for /home/jp003027/arm64-v8a/include/ffmpeg/avformat.h
-- Looking for /home/jp003027/arm64-v8a/include/ffmpeg/avformat.h - not found
-- CUDA compilation is disabled (due to Clang unsupported on your platform).
-- Could NOT find Doxygen (missing: DOXYGEN_EXECUTABLE) 
-- To enable PlantUML support, set PLANTUML_JAR environment variable or pass -DPLANTUML_JAR=<filepath> option to cmake
-- Found PythonInterp: /usr/bin/python2.7 (found suitable version "2.7.6", minimum required is "2.7") 
-- Found PythonInterp: /usr/bin/python3.4 (found suitable version "3.4.3", minimum required is "3.4") 
-- Found apache ant 1.9.3: /usr/bin/ant
CMake Warning at CMakeLists.txt:570 (message):
  OpenCV requires Android SDK tools revision 14 or newer.  Otherwise tests
  and samples will no be compiled.

-- General configuration for OpenCV 3.1.0 =====================================
--   Version control:               unknown
--   Platform:
--     Host:                        Linux 3.13.0-24-generic x86_64
--     Target:                      Android 1 aarch64
--     CMake:                       3.13.1
--     CMake generator:             Unix Makefiles
--     CMake build tool:            /usr/bin/make
--     Configuration:               Release
--   C/C++:
--     Built as dynamic libs?:      YES
--     C++ Compiler:                /home/jp003027/android-ndk-r16b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/clang++  (ver 3.8)
--     C++ flags (Release):         -isystem /home/jp003027/android-ndk-r16b/sysroot/usr/include/aarch64-linux-android -D__ANDROID_API__=21 -g -DANDROID -ffunction-sections -funwind-tables -fstack-protector-strong -no-canonical-prefixes -Wa,--noexecstack -Wformat -Werror=format-security -std=c++11 -D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS   -fsigned-char -W -Werror=return-type -Werror=non-virtual-dtor -Werror=address -Werror=sequence-point -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wmissing-declarations -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes -Wundef -Winit-self -Wpointer-arith -Wshadow -Wsign-promo -Wno-narrowing -Wno-delete-non-virtual-dtor -Wno-unnamed-type-template-args -fdiagnostics-show-option -Qunused-arguments -fomit-frame-pointer -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -O2 -DNDEBUG   -DNDEBUG
--     C++ flags (Debug):           -isystem /home/jp003027/android-ndk-r16b/sysroot/usr/include/aarch64-linux-android -D__ANDROID_API__=21 -g -DANDROID -ffunction-sections -funwind-tables -fstack-protector-strong -no-canonical-prefixes -Wa,--noexecstack -Wformat -Werror=format-security -std=c++11 -D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS   -fsigned-char -W -Werror=return-type -Werror=non-virtual-dtor -Werror=address -Werror=sequence-point -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wmissing-declarations -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes -Wundef -Winit-self -Wpointer-arith -Wshadow -Wsign-promo -Wno-narrowing -Wno-delete-non-virtual-dtor -Wno-unnamed-type-template-args -fdiagnostics-show-option -Qunused-arguments -fomit-frame-pointer -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -O0 -fno-limit-debug-info   -O0 -DDEBUG -D_DEBUG
--     C Compiler:                  /home/jp003027/android-ndk-r16b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/clang
--     C flags (Release):           -isystem /home/jp003027/android-ndk-r16b/sysroot/usr/include/aarch64-linux-android -D__ANDROID_API__=21 -g -DANDROID -ffunction-sections -funwind-tables -fstack-protector-strong -no-canonical-prefixes -Wa,--noexecstack -Wformat -Werror=format-security    -fsigned-char -W -Werror=return-type -Werror=non-virtual-dtor -Werror=address -Werror=sequence-point -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wmissing-declarations -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes -Wundef -Winit-self -Wpointer-arith -Wshadow -Wsign-promo -Wno-narrowing -Wno-delete-non-virtual-dtor -Wno-unnamed-type-template-args -fdiagnostics-show-option -Qunused-arguments -fomit-frame-pointer -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -O2 -DNDEBUG   -DNDEBUG
--     C flags (Debug):             -isystem /home/jp003027/android-ndk-r16b/sysroot/usr/include/aarch64-linux-android -D__ANDROID_API__=21 -g -DANDROID -ffunction-sections -funwind-tables -fstack-protector-strong -no-canonical-prefixes -Wa,--noexecstack -Wformat -Werror=format-security    -fsigned-char -W -Werror=return-type -Werror=non-virtual-dtor -Werror=address -Werror=sequence-point -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wmissing-declarations -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes -Wundef -Winit-self -Wpointer-arith -Wshadow -Wsign-promo -Wno-narrowing -Wno-delete-non-virtual-dtor -Wno-unnamed-type-template-args -fdiagnostics-show-option -Qunused-arguments -fomit-frame-pointer -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -O0 -fno-limit-debug-info   -O0 -DDEBUG -D_DEBUG
--     Linker flags (Release2):     -Wl,--exclude-libs,libgcc.a -Wl,--exclude-libs,libatomic.a --sysroot /home/jp003027/android-ndk-r16b/platforms/android-21/arch-arm64 -Wl,--build-id -Wl,--warn-shared-textrel -Wl,--fatal-warnings -L/home/jp003027/android-ndk-r16b/sources/cxx-stl/llvm-libc++/libs/arm64-v8a -Wl,--no-undefined -Wl,-z,noexecstack -Qunused-arguments -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now 
--     Linker flags (Debug):        -Wl,--exclude-libs,libgcc.a -Wl,--exclude-libs,libatomic.a --sysroot /home/jp003027/android-ndk-r16b/platforms/android-21/arch-arm64 -Wl,--build-id -Wl,--warn-shared-textrel -Wl,--fatal-warnings -L/home/jp003027/android-ndk-r16b/sources/cxx-stl/llvm-libc++/libs/arm64-v8a -Wl,--no-undefined -Wl,-z,noexecstack -Qunused-arguments -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now 
--     Precompiled headers:         NO
--     Extra dependencies:          /home/jp003027/android-ndk-r16b/platforms/android-21/arch-arm64/usr/lib/ avcodec avformat avutil swscale dl m log -L/home/jp003027/arm64-v8a/lib -lavcodec -lavfilter -lavformat -lavutil -lfdk-aac -lswresample -lswscale
--     3rdparty dependencies:       libjpeg libwebp libpng libtiff libjasper IlmImf
--   OpenCV modules:
--     To be built:                 core flann imgproc ml photo video imgcodecs shape videoio highgui objdetect superres ts features2d calib3d java stitching videostab
--     Disabled:                    world
--     Disabled by dependency:      -
--     Unavailable:                 cudaarithm cudabgsegm cudacodec cudafeatures2d cudafilters cudaimgproc cudalegacy cudaobjdetect cudaoptflow cudastereo cudawarping cudev python2 viz
--   Android: 
--     Android ABI:                 arm64-v8a
--     STL type:                    c++_shared
--     Native API level:            android-21
--     SDK target:                  android_sdk_target_status-NOTFOUND
--     android tool:                NO
--     Google Play manager:         NO
--     Android examples:            NO
--   GUI: 
--     GTK+:                        NO
--     GThread :                    NO
--     GtkGlExt:                    NO
--     OpenGL support:              NO
--     VTK support:                 NO
--   Media I/O: 
--     ZLib:                        /home/jp003027/android-ndk-r16b/platforms/android-21/arch-arm64/usr/lib/ (ver 1.2.3)
--     JPEG:                        build (ver 90)
--     WEBP:                        build (ver 0.3.1)
--     PNG:                         build (ver 1.6.19)
--     TIFF:                        build (ver 42 - 4.0.2)
--     JPEG 2000:                   build (ver 1.900.1)
--     OpenEXR:                     build (ver 1.7.1)
--     GDAL:                        NO
--   Video I/O:
--     FFMPEG:                      YES (prebuilt binaries)
--       codec:                     YES (ver 57.89.100)
--       format:                    YES (ver 57.71.100)
--       util:                      YES (ver 55.58.100)
--       swscale:                   YES (ver 4.6.100)
--       resample:                  NO
--       gentoo-style:              YES
--     V4L/V4L2:                    YES/YES
--   Parallel framework:            pthreads
--   Other third-party libraries:
--     Use IPP:                     NO
--     Use Eigen:                   NO
--     Use Cuda:                    NO
--     Use OpenCL:                  NO
--     Use custom HAL:              NO
--   Python 2:
--     Interpreter:                 /usr/bin/python2.7 (ver 2.7.6)
--   Python 3:
--     Interpreter:                 /usr/bin/python3.4 (ver 3.4.3)
--   Python (for build):            /usr/bin/python2.7
--   Java:
--     ant:                         /usr/bin/ant (ver 1.9.3)
--     Java wrappers:               YES
--     Java tests:                  NO
--   Matlab:                        NO
--   Documentation:
--     Doxygen:                     NO
--     PlantUML:                    NO
--   Tests and samples:
--     Tests:                       NO
--     Performance tests:           YES
--     C/C++ Examples:              NO
--   Install path:                  /home/jp003027/opencv-3.1.0/build/out
--   cvconfig.h is in:              /home/jp003027/opencv-3.1.0/build
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/jp003027/opencv-3.1.0/build

building is completed. However, after i copy all so files to my project. That cvCreateCameraCapture still return null.

Some dependency is not copied to my project, is it?

Or other reason?

How to compile opencv to support camera(cvCreateCameraCapture)

I have built opencv(with ffmpeg) for android arm64-v8a successfully, however, cvCreateCameraCapture return null. cvCreateFileCapture work well. I found we need to set the following item for support camera. -DWITH_V4L=1 -DHAVE_CAMV4L2=ON

Now, v4l have been built in opencv, however, the following interface in cap_libv4l.cpp can not open device successfully. static void icvInitCapture_V4L() { ... deviceHandle = open(deviceName, O_RDONLY); ... } That open function failed because of permission denied.

I modify OpencvFindLibsVideo.cmake as below,think my android app don't have related permission. However, i add the following setting in AndroidManifest.xml.

# --- V4L ---
        CHECK_MODULE(libv4l1 HAVE_LIBV4L1)
        CHECK_MODULE(libv4l2 HAVE_LIBV4L2)
          set(HAVE_LIBV4L YES)
          set(HAVE_LIBV4L NO)
      CHECK_INCLUDE_FILE(linux/videodev.h HAVE_CAMV4L)
      CHECK_INCLUDE_FILE(linux/videodev2.h HAVE_CAMV4L2)
    set(HAVE_CAMV4L YES)
    status("  HAVE_LIBV4L:" ${HAVE_LIBV4L})
    status("  HAVE_CAMV4L:" ${HAVE_CAMV4L})
    status("  HAVE_CAMV4L2:"${HAVE_CAMV4L2})
    status("  HAVE_VIDEOIO:"${HAVE_VIDEOIO})
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA"/>
<uses-feature android:name="" android:required="false"/>
<uses-feature android:name="" android:required="false"/>

And opencv functions are called in a thread in my cmake command as below,

/home/jp003027/cmake-3.13.1-Linux-x86_64/bin/cmake -D WITH_FFMPEG=ON -DWITH_V4L=1 -DHAVE_CAMV4L2=ON -DCMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE=/home/jp003027/android-ndk-r16b/build/cmake/android.toolchain.cmake -DANDROID_NDK=/home/jp003027/android-ndk-r16b/ -DANDROID_NATIVE_API_LEVEL=android-21 -DBUILD_JAVA=OFF -DBUILD_ANDROID_EXAMPLES=OFF -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=-D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS -DBUILD_ANDROID_PROJECTS=OFF -DANDROID_STL=c++_shared -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON -DFFMPEG_INCLUDE_DIR=/home/jp003027/arm64-v8a/include -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/home/jp003027/opencv-3.1.0/build/out -DANDROID_ABI=arm64-v8a ..

Cmake output as below,

CMake Deprecation Warning at CMakeLists.txt:72 (cmake_policy):
  The OLD behavior app.
My app is a service for policy CMP0022 will be removed from a future version
  of CMake.

  The cmake-policies(7) manual explains that the OLD behaviors of all
  policies are deprecated and that a policy should be set to OLD only under
  specific short-term circumstances.  Projects should be ported to the NEW
  behavior and not rely on setting a policy to OLD.

CMake Deprecation Warning at CMakeLists.txt:77 (cmake_policy):
  The OLD behavior for policy CMP0026 will be removed from a future version
  of CMake.

  The cmake-policies(7) manual explains that the OLD behaviors of all
  policies are deprecated and that a policy should be set to OLD only under
  specific short-term circumstances.  Projects should be ported to the NEW
  behavior and not rely on setting a policy to OLD.

CMake Deprecation Warning at CMakeLists.txt:82 (cmake_policy):
  The OLD behavior for policy CMP0042 will be removed from a future version
  of CMake.

  The cmake-policies(7) manual explains that the OLD behaviors of all
  policies are deprecated and that a policy should be set to OLD only under
  specific short-term circumstances.  Projects should be ported to the NEW
  behavior and not rely on setting a policy to OLD.

CMake Warning at /home/jp003027/android-ndk-r16b/build/cmake/android.toolchain.cmake:63 (message):
  Using custom NDK path (ANDROID_NDK is set):
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  build/CMakeFiles/3.13.1/CMakeSystem.cmake:6 (include)
  CMakeLists.txt:93 (project)

CMake Warning (dev) at cmake/OpenCVFindLibsVideo.cmake:184:
  Syntax Warning in cmake code at column 25

  Argument not separated from preceding token by whitespace.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  CMakeLists.txt:536 (include)
This warning is for project developers.  Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.

CMake Warning (dev) at cmake/OpenCVFindLibsVideo.cmake:185:
  Syntax Warning in cmake code at column 25

  Argument not separated from preceding token by whitespace.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
  CMakeLists.txt:536 (include)
This warning is for project developers.  Use -Wno-dev to suppress it.

-- Looking for linux/videodev.h
-- Looking for linux/videodev.h - not found
-- Looking for linux/videodev2.h
-- Looking for linux/videodev2.h - found
-- Looking for sys/videoio.h
-- Looking for sys/videoio.h - not found
--   HAVE_CAMV4L:                   YES
--   HAVE_CAMV4L2:                  1
-- Checking for module 'libavresample'
--   No package 'libavresample' found
-- Looking for /home/jp003027/arm64-v8a/include/libavformat/avformat.h
-- Looking for /home/jp003027/arm64-v8a/include/libavformat/avformat.h - not found
-- Looking for /home/jp003027/arm64-v8a/include/ffmpeg/avformat.h
-- Looking for /home/jp003027/arm64-v8a/include/ffmpeg/avformat.h - not found
-- CUDA compilation is disabled (due to Clang unsupported on your platform).
-- Could NOT find Doxygen (missing: DOXYGEN_EXECUTABLE) 
-- To enable PlantUML support, set PLANTUML_JAR environment variable or pass -DPLANTUML_JAR=<filepath> option to cmake
-- Found PythonInterp: /usr/bin/python2.7 (found suitable version "2.7.6", minimum required is "2.7") 
-- Found PythonInterp: /usr/bin/python3.4 (found suitable version "3.4.3", minimum required is "3.4") 
-- Found apache ant 1.9.3: /usr/bin/ant
CMake Warning at CMakeLists.txt:570 (message):
  OpenCV requires Android SDK tools revision 14 or newer.  Otherwise tests
  and samples will no be compiled.

-- General configuration for OpenCV 3.1.0 =====================================
--   Version control:               unknown
--   Platform:
--     Host:                        Linux 3.13.0-24-generic x86_64
--     Target:                      Android 1 aarch64
--     CMake:                       3.13.1
--     CMake generator:             Unix Makefiles
--     CMake build tool:            /usr/bin/make
--     Configuration:               Release
--   C/C++:
--     Built as dynamic libs?:      YES
--     C++ Compiler:                /home/jp003027/android-ndk-r16b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/clang++  (ver 3.8)
--     C++ flags (Release):         -isystem /home/jp003027/android-ndk-r16b/sysroot/usr/include/aarch64-linux-android -D__ANDROID_API__=21 -g -DANDROID -ffunction-sections -funwind-tables -fstack-protector-strong -no-canonical-prefixes -Wa,--noexecstack -Wformat -Werror=format-security -std=c++11 -D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS   -fsigned-char -W -Werror=return-type -Werror=non-virtual-dtor -Werror=address -Werror=sequence-point -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wmissing-declarations -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes -Wundef -Winit-self -Wpointer-arith -Wshadow -Wsign-promo -Wno-narrowing -Wno-delete-non-virtual-dtor -Wno-unnamed-type-template-args -fdiagnostics-show-option -Qunused-arguments -fomit-frame-pointer -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -O2 -DNDEBUG   -DNDEBUG
--     C++ flags (Debug):           -isystem /home/jp003027/android-ndk-r16b/sysroot/usr/include/aarch64-linux-android -D__ANDROID_API__=21 -g -DANDROID -ffunction-sections -funwind-tables -fstack-protector-strong -no-canonical-prefixes -Wa,--noexecstack -Wformat -Werror=format-security -std=c++11 -D__STDC_CONSTANT_MACROS   -fsigned-char -W -Werror=return-type -Werror=non-virtual-dtor -Werror=address -Werror=sequence-point -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wmissing-declarations -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes -Wundef -Winit-self -Wpointer-arith -Wshadow -Wsign-promo -Wno-narrowing -Wno-delete-non-virtual-dtor -Wno-unnamed-type-template-args -fdiagnostics-show-option -Qunused-arguments -fomit-frame-pointer -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -O0 -fno-limit-debug-info   -O0 -DDEBUG -D_DEBUG
--     C Compiler:                  /home/jp003027/android-ndk-r16b/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64/bin/clang
--     C flags (Release):           -isystem /home/jp003027/android-ndk-r16b/sysroot/usr/include/aarch64-linux-android -D__ANDROID_API__=21 -g -DANDROID -ffunction-sections -funwind-tables -fstack-protector-strong -no-canonical-prefixes -Wa,--noexecstack -Wformat -Werror=format-security    -fsigned-char -W -Werror=return-type -Werror=non-virtual-dtor -Werror=address -Werror=sequence-point -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wmissing-declarations -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes -Wundef -Winit-self -Wpointer-arith -Wshadow -Wsign-promo -Wno-narrowing -Wno-delete-non-virtual-dtor -Wno-unnamed-type-template-args -fdiagnostics-show-option -Qunused-arguments -fomit-frame-pointer -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -O2 -DNDEBUG   -DNDEBUG
--     C flags (Debug):             -isystem /home/jp003027/android-ndk-r16b/sysroot/usr/include/aarch64-linux-android -D__ANDROID_API__=21 -g -DANDROID -ffunction-sections -funwind-tables -fstack-protector-strong -no-canonical-prefixes -Wa,--noexecstack -Wformat -Werror=format-security    -fsigned-char -W -Werror=return-type -Werror=non-virtual-dtor -Werror=address -Werror=sequence-point -Wformat -Werror=format-security -Wmissing-declarations -Wmissing-prototypes -Wstrict-prototypes -Wundef -Winit-self -Wpointer-arith -Wshadow -Wsign-promo -Wno-narrowing -Wno-delete-non-virtual-dtor -Wno-unnamed-type-template-args -fdiagnostics-show-option -Qunused-arguments -fomit-frame-pointer -fvisibility=hidden -fvisibility-inlines-hidden -O0 -fno-limit-debug-info   -O0 -DDEBUG -D_DEBUG
--     Linker flags (Release2):     -Wl,--exclude-libs,libgcc.a -Wl,--exclude-libs,libatomic.a --sysroot /home/jp003027/android-ndk-r16b/platforms/android-21/arch-arm64 -Wl,--build-id -Wl,--warn-shared-textrel -Wl,--fatal-warnings -L/home/jp003027/android-ndk-r16b/sources/cxx-stl/llvm-libc++/libs/arm64-v8a -Wl,--no-undefined -Wl,-z,noexecstack -Qunused-arguments -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now 
--     Linker flags (Debug):        -Wl,--exclude-libs,libgcc.a -Wl,--exclude-libs,libatomic.a --sysroot /home/jp003027/android-ndk-r16b/platforms/android-21/arch-arm64 -Wl,--build-id -Wl,--warn-shared-textrel -Wl,--fatal-warnings -L/home/jp003027/android-ndk-r16b/sources/cxx-stl/llvm-libc++/libs/arm64-v8a -Wl,--no-undefined -Wl,-z,noexecstack -Qunused-arguments -Wl,-z,relro -Wl,-z,now 
--     Precompiled headers:         NO
--     Extra dependencies:          /home/jp003027/android-ndk-r16b/platforms/android-21/arch-arm64/usr/lib/ avcodec avformat avutil swscale dl m log -L/home/jp003027/arm64-v8a/lib -lavcodec -lavfilter -lavformat -lavutil -lfdk-aac -lswresample -lswscale
--     3rdparty dependencies:       libjpeg libwebp libpng libtiff libjasper IlmImf
--   OpenCV modules:
--     To be built:                 core flann imgproc ml photo video imgcodecs shape videoio highgui objdetect superres ts features2d calib3d java stitching videostab
--     Disabled:                    world
--     Disabled by dependency:      -
--     Unavailable:                 cudaarithm cudabgsegm cudacodec cudafeatures2d cudafilters cudaimgproc cudalegacy cudaobjdetect cudaoptflow cudastereo cudawarping cudev python2 viz
--   Android: 
--     Android ABI:                 arm64-v8a
--     STL type:                    c++_shared
--     Native API level:            android-21
--     SDK target:                  android_sdk_target_status-NOTFOUND
--     android tool:                NO
--     Google Play manager:         NO
--     Android examples:            NO
--   GUI: 
--     GTK+:                        NO
--     GThread :                    NO
--     GtkGlExt:                    NO
--     OpenGL support:              NO
--     VTK support:                 NO
--   Media I/O: 
--     ZLib:                        /home/jp003027/android-ndk-r16b/platforms/android-21/arch-arm64/usr/lib/ (ver 1.2.3)
--     JPEG:                        build (ver 90)
--     WEBP:                        build (ver 0.3.1)
--     PNG:                         build (ver 1.6.19)
--     TIFF:                        build (ver 42 - 4.0.2)
--     JPEG 2000:                   build (ver 1.900.1)
--     OpenEXR:                     build (ver 1.7.1)
--     GDAL:                        NO
--   Video I/O:
--     FFMPEG:                      YES (prebuilt binaries)
--       codec:                     YES (ver 57.89.100)
--       format:                    YES (ver 57.71.100)
--       util:                      YES (ver 55.58.100)
--       swscale:                   YES (ver 4.6.100)
--       resample:                  NO
--       gentoo-style:              YES
--     V4L/V4L2:                    YES/YES
--   Parallel framework:            pthreads
--   Other third-party libraries:
--     Use IPP:                     NO
--     Use Eigen:                   NO
--     Use Cuda:                    NO
--     Use OpenCL:                  NO
--     Use custom HAL:              NO
--   Python 2:
--     Interpreter:                 /usr/bin/python2.7 (ver 2.7.6)
--   Python 3:
--     Interpreter:                 /usr/bin/python3.4 (ver 3.4.3)
--   Python (for build):            /usr/bin/python2.7
--   Java:
--     ant:                         /usr/bin/ant (ver 1.9.3)
--     Java wrappers:               YES
--     Java tests:                  NO
--   Matlab:                        NO
--   Documentation:
--     Doxygen:                     NO
--     PlantUML:                    NO
--   Tests and samples:
--     Tests:                       NO
--     Performance tests:           YES
--     C/C++ Examples:              NO
--   Install path:                  /home/jp003027/opencv-3.1.0/build/out
--   cvconfig.h is in:              /home/jp003027/opencv-3.1.0/build
-- -----------------------------------------------------------------
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/jp003027/opencv-3.1.0/build

building is completed. However, after i copy all so files to my project. That cvCreateCameraCapture still return

Some dependency is not copied How to fix the permission issue for my project, is it?app?

Or other reason?Any idea?

Change my app to system app?

How to compile opencv to support camera(cvCreateCameraCapture)

I have built opencv(with ffmpeg) for android arm64-v8a successfully, however, cvCreateCameraCapture return null. cvCreateFileCapture work well. I found we need to set the following item for support camera. -DWITH_V4L=1 -DHAVE_CAMV4L2=ON

Now, v4l have been built in opencv, however, the following interface in cap_libv4l.cpp can not open device successfully. static void icvInitCapture_V4L() { ... deviceHandle = open(deviceName, O_RDONLY); ... } That open function failed because of permission denied.

I think my android app don't have related permission. However, i add the following setting in AndroidManifest.xml.

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA"/>
<uses-feature android:name="" android:required="false"/>
<uses-feature android:name="" android:required="false"/>

And opencv functions are called in a thread in my app. My app is a service for android.

How to fix the permission issue for my app?

Any idea?

Change my app to system app?

How to compile opencv to support camera(cvCreateCameraCapture)fix the issue about cvCreateCameraCapture

I have built opencv(with ffmpeg) for android arm64-v8a successfully, however, cvCreateCameraCapture return null. cvCreateFileCapture work well. I found we need to set the following item for support camera. -DWITH_V4L=1 -DHAVE_CAMV4L2=ON

Now, v4l have been built in opencv, however, the following interface in cap_libv4l.cpp can not open device successfully. successfully.

static void icvInitCapture_V4L() {
deviceHandle = open(deviceName, O_RDONLY);

That open function failed because of permission denied.

I think my android app don't have related permission. However, i add the following setting in AndroidManifest.xml.

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA"/>
<uses-feature android:name="" android:required="false"/>
<uses-feature android:name="" android:required="false"/>

And opencv functions are called in a thread in my app. My app is a service for android.

How to fix the permission issue for my app?

Any idea?

Change my app to system app?

How to fix the issue about cvCreateCameraCapture

I have built opencv(with ffmpeg) for android arm64-v8a successfully, however, cvCreateCameraCapture return null. cvCreateFileCapture work well. I found we need to set the following item for support camera. -DWITH_V4L=1 -DHAVE_CAMV4L2=ON

Now, v4l have been built in opencv, however, the following interface in cap_libv4l.cpp can not open device successfully.

static void icvInitCapture_V4L() {
deviceHandle = open(deviceName, O_RDONLY);

That open function failed because of permission denied.

I think my android app don't have related permission. However, i add the following setting in AndroidManifest.xml.

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA"/>
<uses-feature android:name="" android:required="false"/>
<uses-feature android:name="" android:required="false"/>

And opencv functions are called in a thread in my app. My app is a service for android.

How to fix the permission issue for my app?

Any idea?

Change my app to system app?

Update 2018/12/27: I found that deviceName is /dev/video*. So I checked the permission of those video in path /dev as below, 1|gts4lltechn:/dev $ ls -l | grep video ls: ./event-log-tags: Permission denied crw-rw---- 1 system camera 81, 0 2017-04-01 08:37 video0 crw-rw---- 1 system camera 81, 1 2017-04-01 08:37 video1 crw-rw---- 1 system camera 81, 2 2017-04-01 08:37 video2 crw-rw---- 1 system camera 81, 3 2017-04-01 08:37 video3 crw-rw---- 1 system camera 81, 32 2017-04-01 08:37 video32 crw-rw---- 1 system camera 81, 33 2017-04-01 08:37 video33 crw-rw---- 1 system camera 81, 4 2017-04-01 08:37 video4 crw-rw---- 1 system camera 81, 5 2017-04-01 08:37 video5 crw-rw---- 1 system camera 81, 6 2018-12-20 21:28 video6

And my app's permission is as below, u0_a191 20375 995 4406488 82904 0 0 S

I don't have su permission, how to fix the issue?

How to fix the issue about cvCreateCameraCapture

I have built opencv(with ffmpeg) for android arm64-v8a successfully, however, cvCreateCameraCapture return null. cvCreateFileCapture work well. I found we need to set the following item for support camera. -DWITH_V4L=1 -DHAVE_CAMV4L2=ON

Now, v4l have been built in opencv, however, the following interface in cap_libv4l.cpp can not open device successfully.

static void icvInitCapture_V4L() {
deviceHandle = open(deviceName, O_RDONLY);

That open function failed because of permission denied.

I think my android app don't have related permission. However, i add the following setting in AndroidManifest.xml.

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA"/>
<uses-feature android:name="" android:required="false"/>
<uses-feature android:name="" android:required="false"/>

And opencv functions are called in a thread in my app. My app is a service for android.

How to fix the permission issue for my app?

Any idea?

Change my app to system app?

Update 2018/12/27: I found that deviceName is /dev/video*. So I checked the permission of those video in path /dev as below, 1|gts4lltechn:/dev $ ls -l | grep video ls: ./event-log-tags: Permission denied crw-rw---- 1 system camera 81, 0 2017-04-01 08:37 video0 crw-rw---- 1 system camera 81, 1 2017-04-01 08:37 video1 crw-rw---- 1 system camera 81, 2 2017-04-01 08:37 video2 crw-rw---- 1 system camera 81, 3 2017-04-01 08:37 video3 crw-rw---- 1 system camera 81, 32 2017-04-01 08:37 video32 crw-rw---- 1 system camera 81, 33 2017-04-01 08:37 video33 crw-rw---- 1 system camera 81, 4 2017-04-01 08:37 video4 crw-rw---- 1 system camera 81, 5 2017-04-01 08:37 video5 crw-rw---- 1 system camera 81, 6 2018-12-20 21:28 video6

video6 And my app's permission is as below, u0_a191 20375 995 4406488 82904 0 0 S

I don't have su permission, how to fix the issue?

How to fix the issue about cvCreateCameraCapture

I have built opencv(with ffmpeg) for android arm64-v8a successfully, however, cvCreateCameraCapture return null. cvCreateFileCapture work well. I found we need to set the following item for support camera. -DWITH_V4L=1 -DHAVE_CAMV4L2=ON

Now, v4l have been built in opencv, however, the following interface in cap_libv4l.cpp can not open device successfully.

static void icvInitCapture_V4L() {
deviceHandle = open(deviceName, O_RDONLY);

That open function failed because of permission denied.

I think my android app don't have related permission. However, i add the following setting in AndroidManifest.xml.

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA"/>
<uses-feature android:name="" android:required="false"/>
<uses-feature android:name="" android:required="false"/>

And opencv functions are called in a thread in my app. My app is a service for android.

How to fix the permission issue for my app?

Any idea?

Change my app to system app?

Update 2018/12/27: 2018/12/27.

I found that deviceName is /dev/video*. So I checked the permission of those video in path /dev as below, below,

1|gts4lltechn:/dev $ ls -l | grep video ls: ./event-log-tags: Permission denied denied

crw-rw---- 1 system camera 81, 0 2017-04-01 08:37 video0 crw-rw---- 1 system camera 81, 1 2017-04-01 08:37 video1 video0

crw-rw---- 1 system camera 81, 1 2017-04-01 08:37 video1

crw-rw---- 1 system camera 81, 2 2017-04-01 08:37 video2 crw-rw---- 1 system camera 81, 3 2017-04-01 08:37 video3 crw-rw---- 1 system camera 81, 32 2017-04-01 08:37 video32 crw-rw---- 1 system camera 81, 33 2017-04-01 08:37 video33 crw-rw---- 1 system camera 81, 4 2017-04-01 08:37 video4 crw-rw---- 1 system camera 81, 5 2017-04-01 08:37 video5 crw-rw---- 1 system camera 81, 6 2018-12-20 21:28 video6 And my app's permission is as below, u0_a191 20375 995 4406488 82904 0 0 S

I don't have su permission, how to fix the issue?

How to fix the issue about cvCreateCameraCapture

I have built opencv(with ffmpeg) for android arm64-v8a successfully, however, cvCreateCameraCapture return null. cvCreateFileCapture work well. I found we need to set the following item for support camera. -DWITH_V4L=1 -DHAVE_CAMV4L2=ON

Now, v4l have been built in opencv, however, the following interface in cap_libv4l.cpp can not open device successfully.

static void icvInitCapture_V4L() {
deviceHandle = open(deviceName, O_RDONLY);

That open function failed because of permission denied.

I think my android app don't have related permission. However, i add the following setting in AndroidManifest.xml.

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA"/>
<uses-feature android:name="" android:required="false"/>
<uses-feature android:name="" android:required="false"/>

And opencv functions are called in a thread in my app. My app is a service for android.

How to fix the permission issue for my app?

Any idea?

Change my app to system app?

Update 2018/12/27.

I found that deviceName is /dev/video*. So I checked the permission of those video in path /dev as below,

1|gts4lltechn:/dev $ ls -l | grep video ls: ./event-log-tags: Permission denied

crw-rw---- 1 system camera 81, 0 2017-04-01 08:37 video0

crw-rw---- 1 system camera 81, 1 2017-04-01 08:37 video1

crw-rw---- 1 system camera 81, 2 2017-04-01 08:37 video2 video2

crw-rw---- 1 system camera 81, 3 2017-04-01 08:37 video3 video3

crw-rw---- 1 system camera 81, 32 2017-04-01 08:37 video32 video32

crw-rw---- 1 system camera 81, 33 2017-04-01 08:37 video33 video33

crw-rw---- 1 system camera 81, 4 2017-04-01 08:37 video4 video4

crw-rw---- 1 system camera 81, 5 2017-04-01 08:37 video5 video5

crw-rw---- 1 system camera 81, 6 2018-12-20 21:28 video6 video6

And my app's permission is as below, below,

u0_a191 20375 995 4406488 82904 0 0 S

I don't have su permission, how to fix the issue?