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click to hide/show revision 1
initial version

Default values for Remap/InitUndistortRectifyMap

I am implementing a somewhat generic approach to processing images with camera calibration.

I want to have a base routine that always calls remap.

Thus, even when I do not have a calibrated camera, I want to call the same routine with default values that I can pass into remap.

Can someone guide me as to what default values to pass into InitUndistortRectifyMap that will result in no image modification when the output is passed into remap?

That would allow me to have a generic approach when either the camera is not calibrated or the saved calibration file is not found.


click to hide/show revision 2

Default values for Remap/InitUndistortRectifyMap

I am implementing a somewhat generic approach to processing images with camera calibration.

I want to have a base routine that always calls remap.

Thus, even when I do not have a calibrated camera, I want to call the same routine with default values that I can pass into remap.

Can someone guide me as to what default values to pass into InitUndistortRectifyMap that will result in no image modification when the output is passed into remap?

That would allow me to have a generic approach when either the camera is not calibrated or the saved calibration file is not found.
