Color of Keypoint with floating coordinates
There are some missunderstandings, so I changed the question:
The coordinates of a keypoint are saved with floating values.
KeyPoint(float x, float y, float _size, float _angle=-1, float _response=0, int _octave=0, int _class_id=-1)
So the coordinates do not exactly match with a certain pixel but lies is within one pixel. That is what That's how I unterstood so far and what I've been told. unterstand it. Maybe I missunderstood.
I detect features to get color information. When I have searched keypointBob he is somewhere in the internet to find out how OpenCv determines image img. I can get the color of a keypoint. Sadfully, I haven't found any answers.value by calling:<vec3b>([]
Is OpenCv taking directly the color of the pixel (where the keypoint is within) or does OpenCv consider the neighbors, too? neighbors?
I hope it's more clear now.