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Measure the size of face

Hi everybody

I am trying to measure the size of face and eyes on the photo. I am using Python and library OpenCV. To detect eyes and face on photo I used auxiliary files shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat and haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml.

The result is :

image description

This is correct, but I want also to get the size of nose and eyes etc in centimeters. Is the way how I can do this?

Sorry if this is a bit basic of a question, but for some reason I could not find much online to guide me on this. I have googled a lot, read different articles but nothing helps me.


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updated 2018-10-06 10:36:50 -0600

berak gravatar image

Measure the size of face

Hi everybody

I am trying to measure the size of face and eyes on the photo. I am using Python and library OpenCV. To detect eyes and face on photo I used auxiliary files shape_predictor_68_face_landmarks.dat and haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml.

The result is :

image description

This is correct, but I want also to get the size of nose and eyes etc in centimeters. Is the way how I can do this?

Sorry if this is a bit basic of a question, but for some reason I could not find much online to guide me on this. I have googled a lot, read different articles but nothing helps me.
