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selectROI is not working ?

I run this code and I am using VS 14 in windows 10 and opencv 3.4.3 . In console "select a ROI and then press space or enter button! cancel the selection process by pressing c button!" I select the object by mouse and then when I press space or enter not working .how to fix that and do next step tracking?

selectROI is not working ?

I run this code and I am using VS 14 in windows 10 and opencv 3.4.3 . In console "select a ROI and then press space or enter button! cancel the selection process by pressing c button!" I select the object by mouse and then when I press space or enter not working .how to fix that and do next step tracking? tracking?image description(/upfiles/15379566098243311.png)

selectROI is not working ?

I run this code and I am using VS 14 in windows 10 and opencv 3.4.3 . In console "select a ROI and then press space or enter button! cancel the selection process by pressing c button!" I select the object by mouse and then when I press space or enter not working .how to fix that and do next step tracking?image description(/upfiles/15379566098243311.png)image description

click to hide/show revision 4

updated 2018-09-26 07:18:01 -0600

berak gravatar image

selectROI is not working ?

I run this code and I am using VS 14 in windows 10 and opencv 3.4.3 . In console "select a ROI and then press space or enter button! cancel the selection process by pressing c button!" I select the object by mouse and then when I press space or enter not working .how to fix that and do next step tracking?image description(/upfiles/15379566098243311.png)image description

selectROI is not working ?

I run this code and I am using VS 14 in windows 10 and opencv 3.4.3 . In console "select a ROI and then press space or enter button! cancel the selection process by pressing c button!" I select the object by mouse and then when I press space or enter not working .how to fix that and do next step tracking?image descriptiontracking?!

selectROI is not working ?

I run this code and I am using VS 14 in windows 10 and opencv 3.4.3 . In console "select a ROI and then press space or enter button! cancel the selection process by pressing c button!" I select the object by mouse and then when I press space or enter not working .how to fix that and do next step tracking?!tracking?! /* Copyright 2018 BIG VISION LLC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED */

include <opencv2 opencv.hpp="">

include <opencv2 tracking.hpp="">

include <tracker.hpp>

using namespace cv; using namespace std;

vector<string> trackerTypes = { "BOOSTING", "MIL", "KCF", "TLD", "MEDIANFLOW", "GOTURN", "MOSSE", "CSRT" };

// create tracker by name Ptr<tracker> createTrackerByName(string trackerType) { Ptr<tracker> tracker; if (trackerType == trackerTypes[0]) tracker = TrackerBoosting::create(); else if (trackerType == trackerTypes[1]) tracker = TrackerMIL::create(); else if (trackerType == trackerTypes[2]) tracker = TrackerKCF::create(); else if (trackerType == trackerTypes[3]) tracker = TrackerTLD::create(); else if (trackerType == trackerTypes[4]) tracker = TrackerMedianFlow::create(); else if (trackerType == trackerTypes[5]) tracker = TrackerGOTURN::create(); else if (trackerType == trackerTypes[6]) tracker = TrackerMOSSE::create(); else if (trackerType == trackerTypes[7]) tracker = TrackerCSRT::create(); else { cout << "Incorrect tracker name" << endl; cout << "Available trackers are: " << endl; for (vector<string>::iterator it = trackerTypes.begin(); it != trackerTypes.end(); ++it) std::cout << " " << *it << endl; } return tracker; }

// Fill the vector with random colors void getRandomColors(vector<scalar> &colors, int numColors) { RNG rng(0); for (int i = 0; i < numColors; i++) colors.push_back(Scalar(rng.uniform(0, 255), rng.uniform(0, 255), rng.uniform(0, 255))); }

int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { cout << "Default tracking algoritm is BOOSTING" << endl; cout << "Available tracking algorithms are:" << endl; for (vector<string>::iterator it = trackerTypes.begin(); it != trackerTypes.end(); ++it) std::cout << " " << *it << endl;

// Set tracker type. Change this to try different trackers.
string trackerType = "BOOSTING";

// set default values for tracking algorithm and video
string videoPath = "videos/run.mp4";

// Initialize MultiTracker with tracking algo
vector<Rect> bboxes;

// create a video capture object to read videos
cv::VideoCapture cap(videoPath);
Mat frame;

// quit if unabke to read video file
if (!cap.isOpened())
    cout << "Error opening video file " << videoPath << endl;
    return -1;

// read first frame
cap >> frame;

// draw bounding boxes over objects
// selectROI's default behaviour is to draw box starting from the center
// when fromCenter is set to false, you can draw box starting from top left corner
bool showCrosshair = true;
bool fromCenter = false;
cout << "\n==========================================================\n";
cout << "OpenCV says press c to cancel objects selection process" << endl;
cout << "It doesn't work. Press Escape to exit selection process" << endl;
cout << "\n==========================================================\n";
cv::selectROIs("MultiTracker", frame, bboxes, showCrosshair, fromCenter);

// quit if there are no objects to track
if (bboxes.size() < 1)
    return 0;

vector<Scalar> colors;
getRandomColors(colors, bboxes.size());

// Create multitracker
Ptr<MultiTracker> multiTracker = cv::MultiTracker::create();

// initialize multitracker
for (int i = 0; i < bboxes.size(); i++)
    multiTracker->add(createTrackerByName(trackerType), frame, Rect2d(bboxes[i]));

// process video and track objects
cout << "\n==========================================================\n";
cout << "Started tracking, press ESC to quit." << endl;
while (cap.isOpened())
    // get frame from the video
    cap >> frame;

    // stop the program if reached end of video
    if (frame.empty()) break;

    //update the tracking result with new frame

    // draw tracked objects
    for (unsigned i = 0; i<multiTracker->getObjects().size(); i++)
        rectangle(frame, multiTracker->getObjects()[i], colors[i], 2, 1);

    // show frame
    imshow("MultiTracker", frame);

    // quit on x button
    if (waitKey(1) == 27) break;



selectROI is not working ?

I run this code and I am using VS 14 in windows 10 and opencv 3.4.3 . In console "select a ROI and then press space or enter button! cancel the selection process by pressing c button!" I select the object by mouse and then when I press space or enter not working .how to fix that and do next step tracking?! /* Copyright 2018 BIG VISION LLC ALL RIGHTS RESERVED */

include <opencv2 opencv.hpp="">

include <opencv2 tracking.hpp="">

include <tracker.hpp>

using namespace cv; using namespace std;

vector<string> trackerTypes = { "BOOSTING", "MIL", "KCF", "TLD", "MEDIANFLOW", "GOTURN", "MOSSE", "CSRT" };

// create tracker by name Ptr<tracker> createTrackerByName(string trackerType) { Ptr<tracker> tracker; if (trackerType == trackerTypes[0]) tracker = TrackerBoosting::create(); else if (trackerType == trackerTypes[1]) tracker = TrackerMIL::create(); else if (trackerType == trackerTypes[2]) tracker = TrackerKCF::create(); else if (trackerType == trackerTypes[3]) tracker = TrackerTLD::create(); else if (trackerType == trackerTypes[4]) tracker = TrackerMedianFlow::create(); else if (trackerType == trackerTypes[5]) tracker = TrackerGOTURN::create(); else if (trackerType == trackerTypes[6]) tracker = TrackerMOSSE::create(); else if (trackerType == trackerTypes[7]) tracker = TrackerCSRT::create(); else { cout << "Incorrect tracker name" << endl; cout << "Available trackers are: " << endl; for (vector<string>::iterator it = trackerTypes.begin(); it != trackerTypes.end(); ++it) std::cout << " " << *it << endl; } return tracker; }

// Fill the vector with random colors void getRandomColors(vector<scalar> &colors, int numColors) { RNG rng(0); for (int i = 0; i < numColors; i++) colors.push_back(Scalar(rng.uniform(0, 255), rng.uniform(0, 255), rng.uniform(0, 255))); }

int main(int argc, char * argv[]) { cout << "Default tracking algoritm is BOOSTING" << endl; cout << "Available tracking algorithms are:" << endl; for (vector<string>::iterator it = trackerTypes.begin(); it != trackerTypes.end(); ++it) std::cout << " " << *it << endl;

// Set tracker type. Change this to try different trackers.
string trackerType = "BOOSTING";

// set default values for tracking algorithm and video
string videoPath = "videos/run.mp4";

// Initialize MultiTracker with tracking algo
vector<Rect> bboxes;

// create a video capture object to read videos
cv::VideoCapture cap(videoPath);
Mat frame;

// quit if unabke to read video file
if (!cap.isOpened())
    cout << "Error opening video file " << videoPath << endl;
    return -1;

// read first frame
cap >> frame;

// draw bounding boxes over objects
// selectROI's default behaviour is to draw box starting from the center
// when fromCenter is set to false, you can draw box starting from top left corner
bool showCrosshair = true;
bool fromCenter = false;
cout << "\n==========================================================\n";
cout << "OpenCV says press c to cancel objects selection process" << endl;
cout << "It doesn't work. Press Escape to exit selection process" << endl;
cout << "\n==========================================================\n";
cv::selectROIs("MultiTracker", frame, bboxes, showCrosshair, fromCenter);

// quit if there are no objects to track
if (bboxes.size() < 1)
    return 0;

vector<Scalar> colors;
getRandomColors(colors, bboxes.size());

// Create multitracker
Ptr<MultiTracker> multiTracker = cv::MultiTracker::create();

// initialize multitracker
for (int i = 0; i < bboxes.size(); i++)
    multiTracker->add(createTrackerByName(trackerType), frame, Rect2d(bboxes[i]));

// process video and track objects
cout << "\n==========================================================\n";
cout << "Started tracking, press ESC to quit." << endl;
while (cap.isOpened())
    // get frame from the video
    cap >> frame;

    // stop the program if reached end of video
    if (frame.empty()) break;

    //update the tracking result with new frame

    // draw tracked objects
    for (unsigned i = 0; i<multiTracker->getObjects().size(); i++)
        rectangle(frame, multiTracker->getObjects()[i], colors[i], 2, 1);

    // show frame
    imshow("MultiTracker", frame);

    // quit on x button
    if (waitKey(1) == 27) break;

