I'm creating an image processor. The intent is to compute the percent of pixels are in range for each color in my swatch. I intend to use the percent to sort my images. For example, if I want blue images, then sort by the blue percent.
My problem is that I'm not getting good percent computations. Images that have very little blue, end up having 17% blue, for example. Can any one help?
Here is my Color class:
class Colour:
def __init__(self):
self.swatch = {
'blue': ((100,168,168), (124,255,255)), # hue, saturation, value
'cyan': ((88,168,168), (97,255,255)),
'green': ((50,168,168), (70,255,255)),
'red': ((88,168,168), (97,255,255)), # invert cyan
'orange': ((17,168,168), (24,255,255)),
'yellow': ((25,168,168), (35,255,255)),
'purple': ((129,168,168), (138,255,255)),
'pink': ((88,38,168), (97,168,255)), #invert cyan
'brown': ((17,168,50), (24,255,168)),
'white': ((0,0,205),(180,50,255)),
'black': ((0,0,0),(180,255,50))
def process(self, image, data):
hsvimg = cv2.cvtColor(image,cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
for k in self.swatch.keys():
if k == "red" or k == "pink": #if you are red, invert image and use cyan threshold
hsvimg = (255-hsvimg)
inrange = cv2.inRange(hsvimg, self.swatch[k][0], self.swatch[k][1])
numinrange = cv2.countNonZero(inrange)
size = hsvimg.shape[0] * hsvimg.shape[1]
data[k] = float(numinrange) / float(size)
return data