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How can we calculate length/width of an object in image?

Basically , i am trying to calculate length/width of an object in image ,with cartesian graph paper in background.I have found bounding box of object.But how can i read cartesian coordinate (x,y) in background?image description

How can we calculate length/width of an object in image?

Basically , i am trying to calculate length/width of an object in image ,with cartesian graph paper in background.I have found bounding box of object.But how can i read cartesian coordinate (x,y) in background?image description

How can we calculate length/width of an object in image?

Basically , i am trying to calculate length/width of an object in image ,with cartesian graph paper in background.I have found bounding box of object.But how can i read cartesian coordinate (x,y) in background?image description

How can we calculate length/width of an object in image?

Basically , i am trying to calculate length/width of an object in image ,with cartesian graph paper in background.I have found bounding box of object.But how can i read cartesian coordinate (x,y) in background?image description

How can we calculate length/width of an object in image?

Basically , i am trying to calculate length/width of an object in image ,with cartesian graph paper in background.I have found bounding box of object.But how can i read cartesian coordinate (x,y) in background?image description

How can we calculate length/width of an object in image?

Basically , i am trying to calculate length/width of an object in image ,with cartesian graph paper in background.I have found bounding box of object.But how can i read cartesian coordinate (x,y) in background?image descriptionbackground?!(

How can we calculate length/width of an object in image?

Basically , i am trying to calculate length/width of an object in image ,with cartesian graph paper in background.I have found bounding box of object.But how can i read cartesian coordinate (x,y) in background?!(


How can we calculate length/width of an object in image?

Basically , i am trying to calculate length/width of an object in image ,with cartesian graph paper in background.I have found bounding box of object.But how can i read cartesian coordinate (x,y) in background?


How can we calculate length/width of an object in image?

Basically , i am trying to calculate length/width of an object in image ,with cartesian graph paper in background.I have found bounding box of object.But how can i read cartesian coordinate (x,y) in background?

( image description

How can we calculate length/width of an object in image?

Basically , i am trying to calculate length/width of an object in image ,with cartesian graph paper in background.I have found bounding box of object.But how can i read cartesian coordinate (x,y) in background? image description

    import cv2 as cv
import numpy as np
img = cv.imread('E:\PY_CV\graph1.jpg')
edges = cv.Canny(img,100,200)
# Convert BGR to HSV
hsv_g = cv.cvtColor(img, cv.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
# define range of green color in HSV
lower_green = np.array([30,60,60])
upper_green = np.array([100,255,255])
# Threshold the HSV image to get only yellow colors
mask_g = cv.inRange(hsv_g, lower_green, upper_green)