I'm currently attempting to build OCV with CUDA compute level 7.0 enabled using visual studio 2017, and I keep getting an error
I see that in the latest cuda cmake file, Volta/7.0 have been added, but every time I try to run a build I get:
Error LNK2019 unresolved external symbol
__cudaRegisterLinkedBinary_54_tmpxft_00003c60_00000000_14_gpu_mat_compute_70_cpp1_ii_71482d89 referenced in function "void __cdecl __sti____cudaRegisterAll(void)" (?__sti____cudaRegisterAll@@YAXXZ) opencv_core C:\OCV40\modules\core\cuda_compile_generated_gpu_mat.cu.obj
It seems to be unhappy about CUDA 70, so is it expected that it is supported at the moment, or is this expected behavior? Thanks