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Error loading CascadeClassifier

Hi. I have met a weird crash rtying to load an xml into CascadeClassifier:

            if(! m_CascadeFace.load("haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml")) // <-- crash

image description

Is there any wrong here ? I have taken this xml from here: link text

can you help me ?

Error loading CascadeClassifier

Hi. I have met a weird crash rtying to load an xml into CascadeClassifier:

            if(! m_CascadeFace.load("haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml")) // <-- crash

image description

Is there any wrong here ? I have taken this xml from here: link text

can you help me ?

Error loading CascadeClassifier

Hi. I have met a weird crash rtying to load an xml into CascadeClassifier:

            if(! m_CascadeFace.load("haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml")) // <-- crash

where m_CascadeFace is type of cv::CascadeClassifier.

Is there any wrong here ? I have taken this xml from here: link text

can you help me ?