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How can I draw a mark over the video?

I have made the following code , and when the user click the left side of mouse he should put a marker in the position, and when the second click as made , the first one should be erased , the same thing should happen with coordinates, someone can help me. I don't understand the draw marker function...

void onMouse(int event, int x, int y, int flags, void *param){
    if(cntr == 0){
      //  cv::drawMarker(param, cv::Point(x, y),  cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255), MARKER_CROSS, 10, 1);

        cout << "POSITION:\n"<<y<<" "<<endl;
       // cv::drawMarker(param, cv::Point(x, y),  cv::Scalar(0, 0, 255), MARKER_CROSS, 10, 1);
        cout <<y<<endl;
    cntr = cntr + 1;
