0 down vote favorite I am facing issue while accessing USB camera using beagle-bone black wireless. Firstly the error is "select timeout" exception which was resolved by this post
Now I am facing the black screen in output.
Here is the testing code I am using.
from cv2 import *
initialize the camera
cam = VideoCapture(0) # 0 -> index of camera print "Cam capture" cam.set(3,320) cam.set(4,240) print "Cam set" s, img = cam.read() print "Cam read" if s: # frame captured without any errors namedWindow("cam-test",CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE) imshow("cam-test",img) while True: key = waitKey(30) if key == ord('q') : destroyWindow("cam-test") I have already check that video0 in /dev directory.