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How to estimate a face's age/gender using cv::dnn APIs

Hi, OpenCV developer,

This is a subsequent question from . Now I am able to load a deep age-gender detection model(developed in tensorFlow) into opencv dnn module(using cv::dnn::readNetFromTensorflow(...)) --Thank you, @dkurt.

However, after loading the deep model, I called cv::Mat blobImg = cv::dnn::blobFromImage(...); ageGenderNet.setInput(blobImg); cv::Mat result= ageGenderNet.forward(); to estimate age/gender (details of how I have used these APIs are in the previous post), the result is incorrect. I feel I am not far from the finish line, but just need to make sure input argments (eg. the image channel(RGB, BGR) order, input parameters for cv::dnn::blobFrmImage() and whether there are some additional processing before or after calling these APIs. Any good suggestions are welcome~~

Thank you in advance

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updated 2018-04-23 05:13:20 -0600

berak gravatar image

How to estimate a face's age/gender using cv::dnn APIs

Hi, OpenCV developer,

This is a subsequent question from . Now I am able to load a deep age-gender detection model(developed in tensorFlow) into opencv dnn module(using cv::dnn::readNetFromTensorflow(...)) --Thank you, @dkurt.

However, after loading the deep model, I called

cv::Mat blobImg = cv::dnn::blobFromImage(...);
cv::Mat result= ageGenderNet.forward();

to estimate age/gender (details of how I have used these APIs are in the previous post), the result is incorrect. I feel I am not far from the finish line, but just need to make sure input argments (eg. the image channel(RGB, BGR) order, input parameters for cv::dnn::blobFrmImage() and whether there are some additional processing before or after calling these APIs. Any good suggestions are welcome~~

Thank you in advance