I am working with ARUCO targets, trying to get an accurate axis drawn on my marker or ARUCO board. Originally I was working with a single marker but then I was told an ARUCO board helps processes such as accurate axis drawings.
I have calibrated my camera and gotten a re-projection error of .6 at the end of it (so I assume all went well). However, when I draw my axis, I get something like the picture below.
So this isn't an awful axis drawing, but I've seen some much clearer ones on youtube and on the tutorial page they link a particularly nice video. Especially with an ARUCO board, I'd expect a near perfect axis drawing on clear pictures but thats not what I'm receiving.
Below is also my code.
corners, ids, rejectedImgPoints = aruco.detectMarkers(gray, dictionary, parameters=parameters)
if ids is not None:
frame = aruco.drawDetectedMarkers(frame, corners, ids)
l,rvec,tvec = aruco.estimatePoseBoard(corners,ids,board,camera_matrix,dist_coeff)
frame = aruco.drawAxis(frame,camera_matrix,dist_coeff,rvec,tvec,.1)