Hallo there,
because I work with a infrared data source I have a one channel intager matrix like
src = Mat::eye(480 , 640 , CV_32S);
now I want to use
warpPerspective (src, dest, transMat, size, WARP_INVERSE_MAP | INTER_LINEAR ); //- INTER_CUBIC | INTER_LINEAR | WARP_INVERSE_MAP
for Image rectification. When I do so, my Program crashs and I got the Error:
OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (ifunc != 0) in unknown function, file ..\..\..\src\opencv\modules\imgproc\src\imgwarp.cpp, line 2971
for Example:
#include "opencv/cv.h"
#include "opencv/highgui.h"
int main( int argc, char** argv )
src = Mat::eye(480 , 640 , CV_32S);
cv::Mat dest;
Mat transMat = (Mat_<double>(3,3) << 0.83665, -0.0946, 35.96591, 0.00622, 0.49884, 92.2776, 0, -0.00029, 0.94627);
cv::Size size( src.cols, src.rows);
warpPerspective (src, dest, transMat, size, WARP_INVERSE_MAP | INTER_LINEAR ); //- OR: INTER_CUBIC | INTER_LINEAR
imshow( "dest", dest );
When I use
src = Mat::eye(480 , 640 , CV_8U);
warpPerspective (src, dest, transMat, size, WARP_INVERSE_MAP | INTER_NEAREST );
everything works fine... what's wrong with my code or is this a bug? Or should I use float-Point values? Perhaps this is even faster?