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get errors while execute forward step with torch model

I have trained a torch model and it works well in torch/lua. And after I import it into opencv and excute the forward step, the following error occured:"Incorrect size of input array<inconsistent shape="" for="" concatlayer=""> in cv::dnn::ConcatLayerImpl::getMemoryShapes " file : dnn/src/layers/concat_layer.cpp line 94. All codes can be found in here fan2.lua is the file to create the torch model and main.cpp is the file to load the model and execute the forward step.

click to hide/show revision 2

updated 2018-03-27 02:16:40 -0600

berak gravatar image

get errors while execute forward step with torch model

I have trained a torch model and it works well in torch/lua. And after I import it into opencv and excute the forward step, the following error occured:"Incorrect occured: "Incorrect size of input array<inconsistent shape="" for="" concatlayer=""> shape for Concatlayer> in cv::dnn::ConcatLayerImpl::getMemoryShapes " file : dnn/src/layers/concat_layer.cpp line 94. 94. All codes can be found in here fan2.lua is the file to create the torch model and main.cpp is the file to load the model and execute the forward step. step.